Nicholas Frisardi , CC 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
It is useless to talk regarding the waste problem in Rome: too much rubbish, too much to be disposed of quickly and solutions far from being approved in a short time. While the junta led by Mayor Gualtieri is looking for other ways, that of Amsterdam seems the fastest: according to the Parool newspaper, the company has now reached an agreement with the Amsterdamse Afval Energie Bedrijf (AEB) for the disposal of around 900 tonnes of household waste per week.
From the beginning of April, trains full of Roman household waste will be sent to Amsterdam to be incinerated, at a cost of 200 euros per tonne; 180,000 euros a week, says the Amsterdam portal.
Over the last 15 years, the councils have struggled with the waste crisis but without having found a structural and credible solution: the administration had already used the disposal card in other places, in Italy and abroad, but without finding the key to being able to normalize a situation that had gotten out of hand for some time.