4 methods for fencing land

  1. A fence

Roastingmainly made with galvanized wire or in PVC, provides an easy-to-install, low-cost solution for holding pets and establishing a physical boundary with neighboring properties. For more robustness, choose a a rigid fence : the latter will not deform over time, unlike the flexible mesh which is more fragile. Ces fences are available in different types, sizes and colors, depending on the needs. This type of fence is functional, economical and easy to install, but does not protect once morest prying eyes. Be aware that the installation of a fence or other type of fence is subject to the Local Urbanism Plan (PLU) of your municipality. Do not hesitate to consult it to find out if there are any necessary permissions to the installation of your fence, especially if your property is located within a protected area.

  1. A low wall

The low wall is a long-lasting solution for close your garden with some sustainable materials. Solid and resistant to any test, this type of construction, very common in the countryside, however, costs more expensive than a fence. It also requires the intervention of a workforce qualified, even if it is also possible to do it yourself. There are four types:

  • The brick wall : it is the wall most frequently installed to delimit properties. Inexpensive, this material ages well and is weather resistant.

  • The natural stone wall : This is probably the most aesthetic solution. Easy to maintain, it adds charm to your property. You can build it in dry stones (without any binder) or not.

  • The concrete wall : certainly less attractive than natural stone, it is nevertheless cheaper and faster to install and just as durable.

The lifespan of a wall is much longer than that of a fence and this installation will require significant work to be demolished. Before making the decision to install a low wall, take the time to examine the PLU of your municipality to be certain that it authorizes this type of construction.

  1. A vegetable hedge

It’s here ecological fence par excellence. There plant hedge protects your yard from wind and sun and helps regulate the climate. If you want beautify your land in a natural way while creating a haven of biodiversity, this is the best solution. If you have animals in your garden, they will benefit from beneficial shaded areas in summer. However, it takes time to maintain this type of fence. For example, choose a charcoal hedge which requires less maintenance than other types of plants. Plant hedges, do not require a special authorization, but they must be pruned regularly so that they reach the levels prescribed in the town planning code. Regular pruning also promotes plant health and development.

  1. A wooden or bamboo panel

wooden fences are more aesthetic than fences and present a perfect solution for landscaping. These products are also very weather resistant and can last up to twice as long as chicken wire if properly maintained. Indeed, it is necessary towaterproof wood to reduce its porosity and prevent it from rotting. Its natural elegance and authenticity give your property a zen or rustic style, depending on the species selected. There wooden fence can take different forms:

  • THE logs : Solid and rustic, the logs fit perfectly into the landscape. However, they do not obstruct the view and your garden will be visible to passers-by.

  • THE forks : the ganivelle is very aesthetic due to its minimalist style reminiscent of traditional houses. However, the space between the slats can allow small animals such as cats, chickens and rodents to pass. You can choose them bamboo to give an oriental style to your garden.

  • THE blade panels : practical, to uninstall it, simply fold the blades on top of each other.



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