It may lead to cancer..Beware, this movement in beans makes it dangerous to your health

11:35 p.m

Monday, March 27, 2023

I wrote – Shaima Morsi

The bean dish is usually a staple on the Suhoor table during the month of Ramadan, and despite its many benefits, it may turn into health damage with a simple move that some people make.

Dr. Sayed Hammad, a nutrition consultant at the National Institute of Nutrition, explains that this movement is to put the beans hot in plastic bags.

And he adds to “Masrawy”: Beans are usually bought packed in plastic bags while they are hot, and this is one of the most dangerous healthy habits that many people commit, given that these bags are of poor quality, so they are not intended to put beans in them.

Hammad continued: This movement has a lot of health damages, as a result of the leakage of the chemicals that make up these bags and their transmission to the body while eating beans, and these damages are as follows:

– Transmission of chemicals from which plastic bags are made, the most dangerous of which is Dipsin.

It causes cancer.

– It affects memory and poor ability to remember.

It greatly affects the nervous system.

– Getting food poisoning.

Digestive problems.

– Affect the immune system.

The nutrition consultant pointed out the danger of mashing the beans inside the plastic bag, by squeezing it with the hands or by using a fork or spoon, because this contributes to the exit of this toxic substance in large quantities to the beans faster, so following bringing it, these bags must be disposed of immediately. .

And he advised the need to use healthy, safe dishes or a closed cup, to put the beans in it while going to buy it and also to save it, and not to move it and mash it, stressing that if the housewife stomps the beans herself at home to keep it in the freezer for daily use, it is better to wait until it cools down and then pack it in bags and put it in freezer.

Also read:

This is what happens to you if you eat beans during Ramadan for 30 days

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