Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Jaber Al-Qahtani, an expert in pharmacology, said that among the uses of parsley, parsley juice, which can be mixed with fruit juices, is used as a drink at the rate of one or two cups per day for cases of hepatitis, menstrual pain, kidney pain, dysuria, and for milk production.
Al-Qahtani explained, in a series of tweets on Twitter, that fresh parsley juice is used with grated lemon peel to lose weight. Half a bunch of fresh parsley is taken, cleaned well with water, then squeezed into a chopper, half a cup of coffee is taken from its juice and left aside, then half a lemon is taken and grated. Its outer cover is grated and placed in a small saucepan, then a cup of water is added to it.
And he continued: It is placed on a quiet fire for half an hour, then it is removed from the fire, cooled, and drank parsley juice, followed by lemon and its water, on an empty stomach daily, and to continue on that until reaching the appropriate weight.
Parsley uses
Parsley juice, which can be mixed with fruit juices, is used as a drink at the rate of one or two cups per day for cases of hepatitis, menstrual pain, kidney pain, dysuria, and for milk production.
– Mr. Dr. Jaber Al-Qahtani (@JaberAlkahtani) March 27, 2023
And put on a quiet fire for half an hour, then remove from the fire and cool down, and drink parsley juice, followed by lemon and one hundred, on an empty stomach daily, and continue to do so until reaching the appropriate weight.
– Mr. Dr. Jaber Al-Qahtani (@JaberAlkahtani) March 27, 2023