The number of job seekers down slightly in February, according to Dares

In February, the Ministry of Labor noted a slight drop (-0.93%) in the number of jobseekers registered in category A (without activity) compared to the previous month, with 28,100 fewer unemployed people at 2.996 million.

According to Dares, which released its figures on Monday, including reduced activity (categories B and C), the number of job seekers in France (excluding Mayotte) decreased by 0.41% (-22,300) and s ‘sets at 5.366 million. The share of long-term job seekers (registered for a year or more) is 43.9%.

0.8% fewer unemployed in the last quarter of 2022

Dares does not comment on the monthly data, which is too volatile, favoring quarterly changes. The latest quarterly results published at the end of January had reported a sharp drop in category A unemployed, by 3.6% in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the previous quarter, i.e. 114,400 fewer registered.

But including reduced activity (categories B and C of Pôle Emploi), the number of job seekers fell by only 0.8%.



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