Tea for fatty liver: These varieties can help

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Von: Michelle Mantey

Certain types of tea contain many bitter substances that help prevent or combat fatty liver. But which ones are they?

Kassel – According to the German Liver Foundation In Germany, every fourth adult over the age of 40 suffers from non-alcoholic fatty liver. It can be caused, among other things, by a high-fat diet. Alcohol and medication can also cause liver damage. But the liver can regulate itself once more with the right diet. Certain types of tea can support them in their function and thus act once morest fatty liver.

How does a fatty liver develop? These are the most common causes

If the liver is damaged, can noisy German Medical Association (BÄK) Symptoms such as tiredness or pressure in the upper right abdomen occur. Itching, vomiting, pain or a yellow discoloration of the skin can occur as the disease progresses. Liver disease can have many causes. It is most commonly caused by:

  • Alcohol and drugs
  • obesity
  • high-fat diet
  • lack of exercise
  • Diabetes
  • medication
  • Hepatitis-Viren (Source: German Medical Association)

Fight fatty liver: With these types of tea you can prevent it

Many try to detoxify the liver with a detox. The solid food is often replaced by juices. But this type of detoxification can promote fatty liver due to the high fructose content. Therefore, there are special detoxification cures that rely primarily on the intake of bitter substances. These stimulate digestion and can be dissolved in a glass of water and drunk. Some herbal teas can also help to detoxify the liver due to their bitter substances.

Certain types of tea can help prevent fatty liver. ©Panthermedia/IMAGO

It contains many bitter substances dandelion tea. According to the Consumer Window Hessen Dandelion has been used as a remedy since ancient times. Because it contains a lot of vitamins. In addition to vitamins A, K and C, it contains secondary plant substances such as flavonoids and sterols. According to the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE) strengthen the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

In the liver, the dandelion stimulates the production of bile through its bitter substances taraxin, quinoline, as well as tannins and flavonoids. The fat metabolism is also boosted. The whole plant can be used to prepare the tea and poured over it with hot water. The tea then has to steep for five minutes and it’s ready.

Artichoke tea helps once morest fatty liver – also as an extract or powder

Also artichoke tea is rich in bitter substances. The Pharmacy magazine reports on the use of the artichoke as a medicinal plant, as it particularly supports the gall and liver function. It also contains flavonoids, which stimulate the production of bile acids in the liver. It also ensures that the gallbladder releases more bile acid into the intestine. This in turn stimulates the fat metabolism and ensures better digestion of fatty foods.

In addition, it prevents fat deposits in the liver. If you don’t want to eat an artichoke despite its positive properties, you can simply drink it as tea. It is also available as an extract or powder.

It is also available in powder or tea form Turmeric. Sea Pharmacy magazine it has a similar effect as the artichoke. It promotes bile acid production and binds dietary fats. Fats can thus be digested more easily.

Yarrow tea can support the regeneration of the liver

The Schafgarbentee is loud German pharmacist newspaper another tea that supports liver regeneration. It is often used as a remedy in alternative medicine and can even prevent liver damage. In addition to its antispasmodic properties, the secondary plant substances it contains also have a positive effect on liver and bile. Two teaspoons of yarrow herb are sufficient for the preparation, these are poured over with hot water. Now they have to stand covered for at least ten minutes.

Editor’s note

The tricks and information mentioned in this article cannot replace a healthy and balanced diet. Use our nutrition tips only as a supplement to an otherwise varied and healthy diet. The information in no way replaces professional advice and is not intended for independent diagnosis or treatment.

Basically, to prevent the German Liver Foundation A fatty liver recommends a healthy lifestyle: Get plenty of exercise and avoid high-fat or high-sugar foods. But diet is not always to blame for liver disease. Researchers are now investigating why people with a healthy diet are also affected by fatty liver. (mima)



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