His tenant no longer pays the rent, the owner makes a radical decision! – Tuxboard

A landlord made a crazy decision to punish his tenant who chose not to pay his rent!

In France, many people find themselves in very complicated situations when they rent out their property. And the least we can say, is that a landlord made a radical decision in the face of unpaid rent.

A bad tenant

To make a profit, some people do not hesitate to rent out their house or their apartment. But unfortunately, things don’t always go well and as planned.

Indeed, some landlords have to deal with unpaid rent. There are also very few solutions to allow people to recover the money that belongs to them.

The procedures are long and cases can drag on for months or even years. Some do not hesitate to take radical decisions to drive away tenants. Or to get their money back.

Many do not hesitate to use the hard way to be able to make things clear with the tenants. In contrast, one owner has decided to opt for a decision that is more astonishing and surprising.

And the least we can say is that he implemented a trick that the owner thought was very effective in putting a term to the unpaid rents of its tenant. It was in Forbach, in Moselle, that things took place.

Owner hasn’t received a penny in eight months

Our colleagues from the Republican Lorrain reported that the owner had rented his house to an association which offered housing solutions to fragile people. A nice gesture that finally took a bad turn.

If the owner has decided to rent his property since December 1, 2021, he faced a very bad surprise. Since that date, he has not received any money to pay the rent.

The owner also stated: ” I do not have not received a penny for eight months. I contacted all the services, including those of the State which subsidizes the association, but nothing helped”. But that’s not all.

He also confessed: “My orders to pay are all disputed. As a result, the eviction procedure is constantly postponed.. Totally distraught, the man don’t know what to do with this situation.

And for good reason, he thought that by going through an association, he would not have so many difficulties with unpaid rent. Whoever thought he was doing good by helping this association ended up paying a high price.

“We are not deadbeats”

For its part, the association wanted to defend itself. She claimed she hadn’t paid anything since December 1, 2021 because the owner had promised he would do housework. However, he never made them.

But this did not prevent a person from living in his house. And this, despite the work not carried out. For her part, the deputy director of the association also spoke on the subject.

She revealed: “We are not deadbeats. But necessary work must be done. We are within our rights. A procedure is in progress. The courts will decide« .

The owner, for his part, says the opposite. According to him, he has already redone the heating but also the roof of the house. On the other hand, he admitted to having removed the windows on July 8. The reason ? He ordered new ones.

The owner nevertheless recalled that only one person lived in his house when he arrived.stretched the windows. And that this person’s window remained in its place. It remains to be seen whether the man will win his case!



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