Former Union Minister and senior BJP leader Sushma Swaraj’s daughter, Bansuri Swaraj, has been appointed as the party’s Delhi Legal Cell co-convener. Bansuri is a lawyer in the Supreme Court and her appointment is expected to strengthen the party. Delhi unit president Virendra Sachdeva announced her appointment. Bansuri expressed her gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP President JP Nadda, and other leaders for giving her the opportunity to work in the Delhi Legal Cell.
Sushma Swaraj was one of the prominent women leaders of the BJP and passed away in 2019 at the age of 67 due to a heart attack. She entered politics at an early age and was elected to the Haryana Legislative Assembly in 1977 at the age of 25. She held multiple Cabinet Ministries during her career in politics and also served as the Chief Minister of Delhi for a short time. She was highly regarded as Union External Affairs Minister in Modi’s cabinet.
Bansuri graduated from the University of Warwick, BPP Law School in London, and Oxford University. She has also served as Additional Advocate General of the Government of Haryana.
Bansuri is a lawyer in the Supreme Court. Delhi unit president Virendra Sachdeva said the appointment would strengthen the party.
New Delhi: Former Union Minister and senior BJP leader Sushma Swaraj’s daughter Bansuri Swaraj has been appointed as the party’s Delhi Legal Cell co-convener. Bansuri is a lawyer in the Supreme Court. Delhi unit president Virendra Sachdeva said the appointment would strengthen the party. Bansuri tweeted thanking Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP President JP Nadda and other leaders for giving him the opportunity to work in the Delhi Legal Cell.
Sushma Swaraj was one of the prominent women leaders of the BJP. She passed away in 2019 at the age of 67 due to a heart attack. He entered politics at an early age. Elected to the Haryana Legislative Assembly in 1977 at the age of 25, she was given a Cabinet Ministership in charge of the Labor Department. She has also held the charge of education, food and public distribution departments in Haryana. He was a member of all the Union Cabinets headed by Vajpayee. He also worked as the Chief Minister of Delhi for a short time. She was very popular as Union External Affairs Minister in Modi’s cabinet.
Bansuri graduated from the University of Warwick, London’s BPP Law School and Oxford University. A lawyer, she has also served as Additional Advocate General of the Government of Haryana.
The appointment of Bansuri Swaraj as the co-convener of the BJP’s Delhi Legal Cell is a tribute to the legacy of her late mother, Sushma Swaraj. It reflects the party’s commitment to promoting young, dynamic leaders who can contribute to the growth of the party. Bansuri’s experience as a lawyer in the Supreme Court makes her a valuable addition to the party’s legal cell, and her appointment is sure to strengthen the party’s position in Delhi. We wish Bansuri all the best in her new role and hope that she continues to serve the party and the nation with dedication and commitment.