Arresting a person for his involvement in a case related to beating and wounding leading to death with the use of a firecracker

A security source reported that members of the Judicial Police Brigade in the security area of ​​Moulay Rachid in the city of Casablanca managed, on the basis of accurate data provided by the services of the General Directorate of National Territorial Surveillance, this Sunday morning, to arrest a 21-year-old man, on suspicion of his involvement in a case related to By beating and wounding leading to death using a firecracker.

The same source stated that the preliminary data of the research indicated that the victim had entered into a dispute with the suspect and two of his accomplices, for reasons related to previous disputes between fans of sports teams, which developed into a physical assault using a firecracker, the complications of which caused his death in the hospital to which he was transferred to receive treatment. treatment.

The security operations made it possible, the source added, to identify and arrest the main suspect shortly following committing these criminal acts, and he was in possession of two large white weapons.

The suspect was kept under theoretical guard at the disposal of the research, which is supervised by the competent Public Prosecution, in order to determine the rest of the circumstances and circumstances surrounding this case, while the research continues in order to arrest his two partners following determining their full identities.



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