Most people die from these types of cancer

  • How many people die in Germany annually on Krebs?
  • On which cancers are dying most people?
  • Are all types of cancer deadly? Which ones you can hardly do treat?
  • Which prevention can you meet
  • How probably is it, on to get cancer?

Cancer is not just cancer, but occurs in many different forms. While some cancers are highly treatable, others have little or no cure. What type of cancer is it most dangerous and often fatal? And how can you protect yourself once morest it?

The most common and deadly types of cancer

There is more than 300 acquaintance types of cancer. The most common include breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer and cervical cancer. But a cancer diagnosis is not always a death sentence. In general, the following applies here: Yes earlier he is diagnosed, the higher are the chances of recovery. And the sooner you recognize the signs, the better. However, this disease still claims many fatalities. In addition to heart and circulatory diseases, cancer is one of the diseases with the highest death rate. 2020 239,600 people died of cancer in Germany. The am most common occurring cancer of the lung or bronchial cancer with 44786 fatalities, that is 19.4 percent. This is followed by pancreatic cancer with 8.2 percent (18,922 deaths) and breast cancer with 8 percent (18,591 deaths). Now if you look at the mortality rate, i.e. the number of people who died in relation to those who became ill, you get a slightly different picture. Here it is esophageal cancer one of the deadliest at a rate of around 90 percent, although the number of sick people is also lower here. For lung cancer, the rate is around 80 to 85 percent. The most aggressive The type of cancer, however, is the brain tumor, although a distinction must still be made here. Cancer in the brain is rather rare, at just two percent. Here, children are most commonly affected, but cure rates reach more than 90 percent. In adults, on the other hand, it is usually the so-called glioblastoma, the most malignant of the tumors. This tumor grows rapidly, doubling in size regarding every 50 days. The mortality rate in this case: 95 percent.

Many types of cancer can now be treated heal. This is generally called survival rate referred to and relates to a period of five years. It is believed that if you are alive five years following diagnosis, you are less likely to relapse and have a very high chance of being cured. Some types of cancer are relatively easy to cure. A relative survival rate of more than 90 percent has young men with testicular cancer, men with prostate cancer and people with melanoma. People with thyroid cancer, people with Hodgkin’s disease (lymph gland cancer) and women with breast cancer have a survival rate of over 80 percent. However, all these figures only refer to the chance of survival. That also depends on various factors. When was the cancer discovered? In which Stadium was he? Was the tumor completely removed or had metastases already formed? What is the general condition of the patient?

But how high is it? probabilityto get cancer in the course of life? According to the RKI, almost everyone in Germany falls ill second of cancer. The risk is 42.6 percent for women and 47.5 percent for men. The World Health Organization (WHO) expects the number of cancer cases to double by 2040. Reasons for this might be the growing and aging population, but also certain lifestyle factors.

Which risk factors promote cancer? And how can you protect yourself?

Sea expert estimate 40 percent of cancers can be caused by a healthy lifestyle be avoided. However, this does not mean that cancer patients are themselves to blame for their illness. There are too many factors at play, but adopting a healthier lifestyle can help prevent it. This includes:

  • Movement. Physically active people have been shown to be less likely to develop tumors of the colon, endometrium and breast. A connection is suspected in other types of cancer.
  • To be up Weight Pay attention: According to studies, obesity increases the risk of 13 types of cancer, including pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, colon cancer and kidney cancer.
  • Die Nourishment: Whole grain products, legumes, vegetables and fruit should be eaten more. Little red meat and processed meat products make sense. Diet rich in fiber is said to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

There is no effective protection once morest all types of cancer. As already mentioned, whether a cure is possible also depends on how early it is recognized and what stage it is in. At the following Symptoms or changes you should see a doctor as soon as possible:

  • palpable swellings, hardening or lumps on the skin, mucous membrane or in soft tissues, often without pain, changes in the breasts or testicles
  • pain of unknown origin
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes in the armpits, groin or neck
  • Persistent cough or change in a long-standing cough and constant urge to cough, bloody sputum when coughing
  • chronic hoarseness, shortness of breath
  • persistent difficulty swallowing
  • Changes in the skin, liver spots and warts in terms of their size, shape and colour, jaundice, red patches on the palms of the hands or liver stars (small veins in the skin that expand like spiders)
  • Blood in the semen, bleeding following the menopause, or spotting between menstrual periods
  • Changes in bowel movements or urination, eg pain, blood, increased urge to urinate or weak, interrupted urine flow
  • unusual and persistent changes in digestive habits
  • unusual bleeding or discharge from the mouth, nose, intestines, urethra or vagina
  • persistent belching and vomiting
  • persistent loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss
  • Pallor and anemia, constant tiredness, exhaustion, drop in performance
  • Fever, sweating, dizziness or rapid heartbeat, new headaches
  • visual disturbances
  • seizures
  • non-healing or poorly healing wounds

This list does not claim to be complete. In principle, you should consult a doctor if you have unusual symptoms. Reading tips: The first signs of cancer: This is how your body warns you of the dangerous disease at an early stage

What preventive care options are there?

Die health insurance companies pay, mostly depending on age, various check-ups. Unfortunately, not all types of cancer can be diagnosed at an early stage. Essentially, cancer prevention consists of the early detection of cervical cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer. These examinations are carried out from a certain age and are free of charge for the insured person.

Amazon book tip: Cancer cells don’t like raspberries – foods once morest cancer

For example, women from the age of 20 are examined by a gynecologist during a genital examination with swabs, etc., from the age of 30 the breast cancer screening is supplemented, at 35 they are examined for skin cancer and from the age of 50 the examination for colon cancer is added. In men, cancer screening begins at age 35 with skin cancer screening, at 45 prostate and genitals are added, and at 50 colon cancer screening.

Most medical practices also offer additional services for a fee. This individual health services (IGeL) are settled by the doctor directly with the patient and are not covered by health insurance companies. Whether and which ones make sense must be discussed with the doctor.

Conclusion – Cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence

The earlier cancer is detected, the higher the chances of recovery. But that also means dealing with the disease, your own behavior and your body. The check-ups offered should not be forgotten.

Are you interested in the topics of “cancer diseases”, “prevention” and “treatment options”? You can find more information here:

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