The best vitamins to combat fatigue


Fatigue can affect the normal functioning of daily activities, and cause alterations in the body.


Fatigue is described as a state of exhaustion or lack of energy, which can lead a person to feel exhausted, as well as experience difficulty concentrating, drowsiness, and loss of interest in carrying out their daily activities.

If the cause of the fatigue is not a consequence of the last aspect, the experts recommend the consumption of vitamins which, according to the US National Library of Medicine, are “a group of substances that are necessary for normal cell function, growth, and development.”

These are grouped into two categories, fat-soluble and water-soluble. The former are stored in the liver, fatty tissue, and muscles of the body, and are easily absorbed.. These include A, D, E, and K. While the latter are not stored in the body and need to be consumed to avoid deficiencies or deficiencies in the body.; being those of groups B and C, the most recognized.

“The best way to get all the daily vitamins you need is to have a balanced diet that contains a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, fortified dairy products, legumes (dried beans), lentils, and whole grains,” says Medline Plus, which also highlights that If the necessary amounts of vitamins required by the body are not obtained with food, it is necessary to ingest dietary supplementswhich can be presented in the form of tablets, capsules, tablets, powders, drops, among others.

Now, among the thirteen essential vitamins, there are three in particular that are recommended by health professionals to combat fatigue: B12, D and C.

It is considered one of the best for reducing tiredness and fatigue and increasing energy. Within the group of B complex vitamins, this is the most important because it contains cobalt or cobalamin., which is an essential element to produce red blood cells and improve the functioning of the body. In addition to the fact that it is involved in the synthesis of creatine, which allows maintaining energy reserves; making the person feel more active and vital.

Called ascorbic acid, it is an antioxidant that supports healthy teeth and gums. This vitamin helps the body absorb iron and maintain healthy tissue. It is also essential for wound healing. Its consumption is recommended to combat fatigue, because it helps reduce cortisol, a hormone associated with stress and reduces energy; so the intake of this vitamin, approximately 500 milligrams will allow the person to feel more active.

Tips to combat fatigue

Experts highlight several tips to combat fatigue, when it is not associated with any particular disease or pathology. Among these, is sleeping the minimum hours required (8 hours), so in this regard it is important to avoid playing video games or watching television late at night they will make it more difficult to sleep. Instead, it is recommended to listen to music or read, help to fall asleep.

Also it is advisable to do between 20 or 30 minutes of exercise at night or develop some frequent physical activity during the week, as this will help to fall asleep and the body to regenerate while resting; Even practicing yoga or doing meditation are good options that help manage stress levels and thus promote relaxation of the body, allowing you to combat fatigue.

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