An “alien mothership” could be sending probes to Earth

An extraterrestrial mother spacecraft might be sending probes to explore the planets of our solar system, including Earth, according to a report signed by an astronomer from Harvard University and a director of the US Pentagon, who also dismissed that Oumuamua, a mysterious elongated interstellar object that visited and left our solar system in 2017is actually an alien ship, as previously stated.

The six-page report, titled ‘Physical restrictions in unidentified aerial phenomena‘, was co-authored by Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon’s UFO unit called the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), and the Chairman of the Harvard Department of Astronomy, Professor Abraham Avi Loeb.

In the article, the scientist and top intelligence official hypothesized that aliens may have long ago sent a “mother ship” across the galaxy, with the ability to launch their own smaller probes to visit the interesting planets it passes through, including Earth.

They argued that six months before the Oumuamua object crossed our solar system, a small meteorite one meter wide called IM2 crashed into Earth, a rocky object for which an origin outside the solar system was also proposed.

Experts also dismissed Oumuamua, a mysterious elongated interstellar object that visited and left our solar system in 2017, as actually being an alien spacecraft, as previously claimed.

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Although the two objects are not related, the scientists speculated that “the coincidences between some orbital parameters of ‘Oumuamua’ and ‘IM2’ prompt us to consider the possibility that an artificial interstellar object is potentially a mother ship, releasing small probes during its near-Earth pass. An operational construct not unlike NASA missions.”

These probes, which experts describe as “dandelion seeds” they might “separate from the mother ship by the gravitational force of the Sun, or by a maneuverability”. Loeb and Kirkpatrick estimate that these dandelion seeds have a scouting function. Being so small, they might reach Earth without being detected by available telescopes, since they would not reflect enough sunlight.

“These tiny probes would reach Earth or other planets in the solar system for exploration, as they the lead ship passes at a fraction of the separation between the Earth and the Sun, just as Oumuamua did before leaving our system.”, expose the authors of the draft. “Equipped with a large surface-to-mass ratio parachute, technological ‘dandelion seeds’ might slow down in Earth’s atmosphere to avoid burning up and then pursue their targets wherever they land,” they added.

They wrote that current sky-scanning telescopes, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, would miss such small objects, while ‘our deep space radars and space fence’ might detect incoming meter-long UFOs up to 36,000 km in the air, and therefore we must be aware of them. “Such objects might also become optically detectable as they get closer to Earth.especially if they create a fireball as a result of their friction with the air,” they wrote.

  'Oumuamua strange interstellar object 20210726
They argued that six months before the Oumuamua object passed through our solar system, a small meteorite one meter wide called IM2 crashed into Earth, a rocky object for which an origin outside the solar system was also proposed.

Asteroid Oumuamua: Harvard professor believes it has an alien origin

In an interview with The Mail OnlineLoeb said that his team at Harvard, where he now serves as Director of the Institute for Theory and Computation, is currently using a large telescope on campus to scan the skies for probes or other UFOs, and they are planning to set up a second telescope at the coming months as part of its Galileo Project.

“We’re just raising the odds hypothetically,” Loeb said. “NASA is now designing things that will land on Mars in the form of a parachute. These are things we are planning and we should consider as possibilities for other civilizations. Our planet is not unique. There are billions of planets like Earth in the Milky Way galaxy. So why would we think this is unusual?”

“I haven’t seen data to support any of these. It’s just a possibility. But with Project Galileo we are starting to collect data now and we will analyze it, but it is too early to say anything,” he anticipated.

Loeb is also the founder of the Galileo Project, which aims to use high-resolution telescopes and artificial intelligence algorithms to detect and photograph UFOs around Earth, and came under the spotlight a couple of years ago following claim that the Oumuamua comet that passed through our solar system in 2017 might in fact be an alien probeand wrote several books on the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

The mystery of Oumuamua: they propose a new hypothesis regarding the interstellar object

The aliens would not be on the mother ship

Researchers also believe that planets in our solar system such as Mars, Venus or Earth might be interesting planets to study, especially our planet, due to the presence of liquid water. However, they also suggest that there would be no crew members on this supposed mothership and that it would be very difficult for these possible aliens to communicate with exploration probes, he reported. DW.

A civilization that might have gone extinct Even, and taking into account that there are many stars and planets that formed millions of years before our Sun, the authors propose that this alien civilization might have gone extinct, and sent probes before it was formed. the earth. This would be similar to “checking our mailbox for any packages that have accumulated there over time, even though the senders are no longer living,” Loeb explained.

Yes ok it is extremely difficult or unlikely that these two researchers will be able to prove what they say in their draft, the truth is that the Pentagon has recently shown an interest in unidentified flying objects. Since AARO’s recent founding, the Pentagon office has opened more than 360 new investigations into alleged encounters with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) reported by US military personnel.


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