JYP Park Jin-young, unveils a grand mansion with a unique scenery… “Apricot Blossom”

Photo = Park Jin-young’s Instagram

JYP Entertainment CEO and singer Park Jin-young shared the scenery of his mansion.

On the 25th, Park Jin-young posted a picture on his Instagram along with an article saying, “JYP House, apricot flowers are in full bloom. It’s spring all of a sudden.”

In the photo, Park Jin-young took pictures of flowers blooming in the garden at his house. Park Jin-young’s house in the photo gives a glimpse of the sensuous interior and large-scale scale.

In particular, the beautiful nature that spreads out in front of the house attracts attention by allowing Park Jin-young to predict the scenery he enjoys at home.

Meanwhile, Park Jin-young got married in 2013. She has two daughters.


[ⓒ 세계일보 & Segye.com, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]



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