The Institut Montana Zugerberg opens its doors


For those who are curious: The Institut Montana opens its doors

Around 300 people made use of the “Open Day”. The students, their parents and the teachers praised the school in the highest tones.

Martin Mühlebach

Institut Montana open day: The Rigadanza family gathers information at the stand.

Photo: Roger Zbinden (Zug, March 25, 2023)

On Saturday, the Institut Montana Zugerberg presented its entire range: the day school and the boarding school, the bilingual primary and secondary school, the Swiss grammar school, the international school and the summer courses. The daily program included guided tours through the campus as well as handicrafts, musical performances and rhythmic gymnastics.

Marketing coordinator Aline Kaspar was helpful, friendly and competent in establishing contacts with learners, parents and teachers. The high school teacher Joaquin Rodriguez said: «Currently around two thirds of the students attend the Swiss school system, which ends with the Matura. The other 130 or so students attend the International School (IB Diploma).»

120 teachers teach bilingually

The students, who come from all over the world, are taught bilingually (English-German, Swiss school system) or in English (International School) by 120 teachers in small classes.

Open house Institut Montana: Pictured: Heidi Hador leading the campus tour.

Photo: Roger Zbinden (Zug, March 25, 2023)

Eva Aeschbacher, teacher at the bilingual secondary school, emphasizes: “I like the linguistic diversity of the different nationalities at our school.” As one is confronted with different worldviews, one becomes more tolerant towards others.

“We addressed the Ukraine war immediately following it broke out and made it clear to our Ukrainian and Russian students that they were not involved in this war. The learners understood straight away – any problem was solved.”

Alexander Biner, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director of the Institut Montana, affirmed: “Our school, founded in 1926, has always been an oasis where international students come together, receive individual attention and can integrate. Our school is always open to everyone, even during the Second World War and the Corona Pandemic it was never closed.»

Happy parents and learners

The Greek-Swiss dual citizen Akratos Athanasios, living in Zurich, takes his daughter – the second grader Alexandra – to the bilingual day school every morning and in the evening he drives his daughter home once more. Is this enormous effort worth it?

«Yes, the Montana with its small class sizes, the bilingualism German-English, no changing school from primary school to and including high school and the competent, professional staff corresponds exactly to our profile.» The only thing that would be desirable would be a private swimming pool, Athanasios adds.

Georgina Lemmens from Düsseldorf, who is in her 5th year at high school, praises: “Our class and the whole school are like a well-functioning family. Everyone feels comfortable and safe. This is also due to the excellent teachers, who convey the knowledge to us in an easily understandable way. In my previous school I hated math, today I even enjoy math.”

15-year-old Ukrainian high school student Alexa Everts, who has been studying in Montana since the 5th grade, raves regarding the “beautiful nature on the Zugerberg” and regarding the “super helpful teachers when preparing for an exam”.

Open House Institut Montana. Demonstration of rhythmic gymnastics. Pictured: Alexa Evertz.

Photo: Roger Zbinden (Zug, March 25, 2023)

Alexa Everts, who has already performed successfully in competitions in rhythmic gymnastics at home and abroad, amazed the skilfully presented performances on the open day. Her wish for the Montana: “A larger sports hall would motivate me even more”, according to Director Biner, should also be on the institute’s wish list.



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