Welcome » health » Eating bananas: it is still possible even if you are on a diet, discover the composition of this fruit and why it is so popular
Eating bananas is absolutely no problem even if you watch your weight. Here are the characteristics of this very special fruit.
Eating bananas: its impact on the wallet
Bananas have been part of our diet for centuries. And even if the purchasing power of the French is at its lowest lately, this fruit is still present on all tables. Indeed, bananas are one of the most consumed fruits if we make the comparison.
According to the France Agrime agency, the French eat regarding 8.7 kilos of apples per year on average, compared to 5.7 kilos for oranges. As for bananas, they have reached the threshold of 13 kilos per inhabitant per year. Also, this habit is not likely to change even in full inflation. Indeed, eating bananas remains affordable since its price has not increased too much during the crisis.
The composition of a banana
Nathalie Négro, head of the nutritional center at the Thermes de Brides-les-Bains, sheds light on what this special fruit contains. Already, it is a great source of carbohydrate. In effect, it can be found at 19.6% in 100 grams of banana. However, do not worry because the starch it contains prevents the appearance of cravings. In addition, the 2.7% of fiber contained in 100 grams of banana regulates carbohydrate absorption and digestion.
All this, not to mention the high quality of magnesium, potassium and manganese contained in this fruit. These nutrients allow cells to fight once morest oxidation. Thus, it is only too recommended to eat bananas in abundance, or at least one a day to be healthy.
Eat bananas even on a diet.
The banana would be ideal for low calorie gourmet desserts. In effect, you can use underripe bananas to replace some of the flour. Thus, the amount of added sugar from the pastry will be significantly reduced. According to Nathalie Négro, although they are quite caloric, eating bananas is perfectly part of a healthy and balanced diet.
On the other hand, it is better to avoid eating it in case of renal insufficiency. This fruit contains a high level of potassium which might be dangerous. In addition, its low vitamin C content makes it better to eat other fruits in parallel.