These are the three most dangerous foods for the body

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Obviously, just as there are healthy food groups, you can also find some foods that can be dangerous to health.


“Healthy diets include the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to function and stay healthy. In addition, a healthy diet provides enough calories to give us the energy we need to live each day”, the portal indicates regarding good nutrition ‘Advocate Health Care’.

The portions and quantities will vary according to the age and weight of each person; For this reason, it is best to consult with a nutritionist to provide the eating plan according to the conditions and needs of each patient. You do not need to have a specific disease or health condition to do so. Hence, This professional can also provide adequate advice to learn to have good eating habits and contribute to the care of the human body through food..
However, the opposite in this line, that is, poor nutrition, brings with it a large number of health problems, and even diseases. The intake of foods loaded with harmful substances generates negative changes in the body, such as an increase in blood pressure, glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.

In turn, these effects end up causing a person to suffer from hypertension, other cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or some type of cancer.

Therefore, to avoid the aforementioned conditions, the consumption of the following food groups should be avoided at all costs, which are harmful to health, according to the aforementioned portal:

  • Products rich in salt and, therefore, almost all ultra-processed and pre-cooked products, including bread, sausages and cheese.
  • Meat products processed, including fresh or cured cold cuts, hamburgers, sausages, among others.
  • sweetened drinks with sugar.

On the other hand, according to The universal In its health and personal care section, it mentions a list of foods that, if not preserved or prepared correctly, can cause serious complications for the health of the body in general.

  • Red bean: This food is frequently consumed in Latin American countries; however, when it is not properly cooked, it is harmful to the body, especially to intestinal health. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mentions that the red bean It contains a substance derived from lecithin, called phytohemagglutinin which, if consumed in excess or in a rotten state, might cause vomiting and stomach upset. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to soak the red beans for 12 hours before cooking them and make sure they are cooked properly.
  • Lettuce, vegetables and green leafy vegetables: these vegetables are loaded with vitamins, nutrients and minerals. It is essential to involve them in the eating plan of all people; however, they require proper cleaning and disinfection. “According to information from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), consuming poorly disinfected lettuce leaves might cause illnesses caused by microbes such as salmonella, E. coli and listeria in those who eat them.”
  • Tuna: When this protein is consumed frequently and canned, this can have negative health consequences, since this food in this presentation contains excessive amounts of mercury, which might affect kidney and liver health.
  • Nuts: “a study carried out at the University of Bialystok, in Poland, mentions that the danger of excessive consumption of dried fruits such as walnuts, peanuts, pine nuts and pistachios, lies in their high content of heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury. When poisoning arises from the excessive consumption of these products, the behavior, concentration and memory of the patient who consumed these products without control can be altered.

It is important to remember that to prevent the risk of allergies, health professionals recommend that children under five years of age do not consume these products. When this type of food is going to be given to a minor, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician to find out in what presentation and in what quantities it should be given.

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