Putin waves “hundreds of thousands” of uranium shells and an important visit to assess the “dangerous” situation at the Zaporizhia plant | News


Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened to use depleted uranium bombs in Ukraine if Kiev received similar munitions from the West. He also announced Moscow’s intention to deploy “tactical” nuclear weapons on the territory of its ally, Belarus.

“Russia, of course, has the answer. We have, without exaggeration, hundreds of thousands of missiles of this type (depleted uranium), which we are not using at the present time,” Putin said – during a television interview broadcast on state television on Saturday.

Putin justified this decision with London’s intention to send depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine, according to recent statements by a British official. Putin vowed to use this type of missile if Kiev received similar ammunition from the West.

The Russian president said that these weapons “can be classified as the most harmful and dangerous to humans, as well as to the environment.”

Depleted uranium munitions are very effective at penetrating armor plates, but their use is controversial. This metal is toxic to the soldiers who use the weapons and to civilians in the areas from which they are fired.

Last week, British Deputy Defense Secretary Annabelle Goldie indicated that the United Kingdom intended to supply Ukraine with missiles “containing depleted uranium”.

She said, “This ammunition is very effective in destroying tanks and modern armored vehicles,” which angered Moscow, which vowed to respond to this step if it took place.

Tactical nuclear weapons

In a related context, the Russian President announced that Moscow will deploy “tactical” nuclear weapons on the territory of neighboring Belarus, an ally at the gates of the European Union.

Putin has repeatedly made veiled threats that he might use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, raising fears of a return to the Cold War atmosphere.

“There is nothing unusual here: the United States has been doing this for decades, it has long been deploying its tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of its allies,” Putin said. “We agreed to do the same,” confirming the approval of Minsk.

Putin and Russian officials have hinted several times at the possibility of using nuclear weapons in accordance with their country’s (European) nuclear doctrine.

“We have already helped our Belarusian colleagues and equipped their planes… without violating our international obligations in terms of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. There are 10 planes ready to use this type of weapon,” he said.

“As of April 3, we will start training teams. On July 1, we will complete the construction of a special depot for tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus,” he said.

Putin had previously announced that nuclear tensions were “increasing” in the world, but he stressed that Moscow would not take the initiative to use these weapons first.

Zaporizhia station

In another context, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, announced yesterday, Saturday, that he will visit the Ukrainian Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, which is under Russian control, this week to assess the dangerous security situation there.

Grossi is pressing for the establishment of a security zone around the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, which has 6 reactors, and has been repeatedly bombed over the past months.

The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency is determined to make his second visit to the Zaporizhia plant since the start of the (European) war

This will be Grossi’s second visit to the station. Last September, Grossi went there, where he established a permanent presence of his agency’s experts.

Russian forces took control of this station at the beginning of their attack on Ukraine, while it is still near the front line, and the two sides blame each other for bombing it.

“The situation at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant remains precarious,” Grossi said in a statement, adding that he wanted to “conduct a direct assessment of the critical nuclear safety and security situation at this facility.”

This month, he called for the establishment of a protection zone around the station, saying he was “surprised by the inaction” on this issue, as he put it.

The Zaporozhye plant, located in southern Ukraine, is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, and is one of the 10 largest nuclear power plants in the world.

diplomatic efforts

In conjunction with talk regarding the nuclear issue and the battles in Ukraine taking their place, several parties are trying to revive diplomatic efforts. The Turkish presidency stated that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan assured Putin – in a telephone conversation – that he attached importance to ending the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, through negotiations as soon as possible.

As for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, he said that he had not received any offer from China for mediation and dialogue or to meet with the Chinese leader.

In February, Beijing proposed a 12-point peace plan, but Kiev insists on the complete withdrawal of Russian forces, and China has promoted its own plan in recent months.



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