SCJN is part of the ‘power mafia’, accuses AMLO after stopping Plan B

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador pointed to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation as a member of the “power mafia”in addition, of being “supporters of the oligarchy”, following the minister Javier Laynez Potisek admit a controversy imposed by the National Electoral Institute (INE) once morest Plan B of the electoral reform.

According to the president, the “distinguished members” of the Judiciary and the INE are once morest his electoral reform because they want to continue earning high salaries.

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“It is the same mafia, they are the same as Ciro [Murayama, consejero del INE]what Claudio X. Gonzalezthat the conservatives, who do not want there to be democracy, because they They are supporters of the oligarch, not democracy.

Do you know what the oligarchy is? It is the government of the rich and democracy is the government of the people. So they don’t want the people’s government, so that’s why they don’t want the electoral reform, that’s what is happening”.

The distinguished members of the Judiciary and INE earn more than what the President of the Republic earns. So, like the law, what it seeks is to reduce the very high salaries of counselors and judges, magistrates, ministers of the Court, because they want to because They have money as their god, their only god is money. That is the bottom of the matter,” she said.

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It was just yesterday when Minister Laynez Potisek admitted the suspension once morest the Plan Bthat is, with respect to all modified articles of the General Law of Electoral Institutions and Proceduresas well as the General Law of Political Parties and of the Organic Law of the Judiciary of the Federation.

With this, the second part of the call will be paralyzed “Plan B”while the discussion is still fully resolved.

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