FPÖ – Krauss: After the expansion of the Wien Energie scandal, resignations will be necessary

Ludwig and his socialists sack electricity customers and speculate with this money to maximize profits

Vienna (OTS) The quarterly reports of Wien Energie published in the current profile clearly suggest that the liquidity requirement was already dramatically high at EUR 1.7 billion at the beginning of 2022 due to speculative transactions. “First of all, this proves that both the city government around SPÖ Mayor Ludwig and SPÖ City Councilor for Finance Hanke knew much earlier regarding the impending payments and that the emergency competence was unjustifiably drawn. Secondly, this proves that the red managers of Wien Energie and Stadtwerke charge electricity customers horrendous prices in order to use this money to conduct high-risk speculative transactions to maximize profits. After this expansion of the scandal, resignations in these areas are to be expected following a thorough investigation,” said the liberal group leader in the U-Commission, club chairman Maximilian Krauss.

With the new findings, it must also be checked whether numerous SPÖ close managers of Wien Energie, Wiener Stadtwerke, but also the highest-ranking employees of the City of Vienna from the magistrate director down in the U-Commission had made correct statements under a duty of truth.

For the FPÖ club chairman, the so-called “protective shield” for Wien Energie, which was decided yesterday in the Vienna state parliament, is just an instrument to secure these speculative transactions at taxpayer expense for the future. “Mayor Ludwig and his socialists are driving up electricity prices for the Viennese, speculating with this money on the electricity exchange and Wien Energie / Stadtwerke pocket the profits and pay the bigwigs millions in bonus payments. This approach is heartless, shameless, but typical of the town hall socialists,” criticizes Krauss.

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