Eva Blimlinger: The ORF contribution is coming

Vienna (OTS) – After weeks of negotiations on the future financing of public service broadcasting, there has been a decisive breakthrough today, as media spokeswoman for the Greens, Eva Blimlinger, reports: “High-quality public service broadcasting is absolutely essential for an informed democracy. We are pleased that the course is being set today for a secure future for ORF.”

The Federal Government has agreed on a Council of Ministers lecture that ORF sustainably secured and the basis for the new legal regulation for the financing of the ORF from the year 2024. On the one hand, this affects the agreement on a noticeably cheaper one ORF-Contribution instead of the unconstitutional GIS fee and the timely development of the digital amendment. With these two legislative packages, ORF financially secure and competitive in the long term in its digital possibilities. In addition, the contribution, which is lower in terms of amount, is intended to relieve the burden on the population.

And also the rumors regarding an end for that RSO and ORF Sport+ are off the table: “Preserving the content of the special interest channel Sport+ and the internationally renowned ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra (RSO) is a priority for us. We are therefore pleased that the ORF, in close cooperation with the federal government, is developing concepts to ensure the presence of ORF Sport+ and the RSO’s existence for this purpose”.said Blimlinger.

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