Moroccan exporters explore the Portuguese market – Today Morocco

The various investment and trading opportunities were the focus of a webinar.

Business : Position Morocco among the 10 main economic and commercial partners of Portugal on an international scale. This is the objective expressed during a meeting recently organized by Asmex and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Portugal. The opportunity for investors from both parties to explore new avenues of partnerships.

The investment opportunities between Morocco and Portugal are multiple. To explore them, the Moroccan Association of Exporters (Asmex) organized on March 20, 2023, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Portugal in Morocco (CCISPM), a webinar under the theme: “Why Portugal?: investment opportunities in Portugal”. It must be said that the Portuguese economy offers many investment and export opportunities in different sectors such as technology, industry, agriculture, agri-food and tourism. Moreover, Morocco is a strategic and structural partner for Portugal. “The objective of this event was to present to Moroccan and Portuguese entrepreneurs the various investment and trade opportunities to be explored, following the boom in trade and the sustainable and growing development of bilateral economic relations between Rabat and Lisbon”, indicates the Asmex.

It was also a question of highlighting the Portuguese sectors offering business opportunities such as technology, industry, agriculture, agri-food and tourism. In this sense, it is a question of determining how to breathe more dynamism and generate more investment in these sectors. This meeting, which was attended by Carlos Pereira Marques, Portuguese Ambassador to Morocco, Jose Maria Teixeira, President of CCISPM Morocco, and Rui Cordovil, Economic Counselor of the Portuguese Embassy in Morocco, highlighted the relations centuries-old bilateral relations between the two countries and the many economic advantages offered by their geographical proximity and their geostrategic position between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. On this occasion Hassan Sentissi, President of Asmex, indicated that the purpose of this exchange is to strengthen these achievements and to take bilateral economic exchanges to a higher level in order to create a win-win partnership and bearer of shared growth. . “Economic relations between Morocco and Portugal have experienced significant momentum in recent years, thanks to high-level political will. Morocco is now Portugal’s leading trading partner in the Maghreb region and the second on the African continent,” recalls Asmex.

For his part, the Portuguese Ambassador in Rabat, Carlos Pereira Marques, stressed that Morocco is a strategic partner for Portugal and that his country is determined to strengthen bilateral economic exchanges. In this perspective, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Portugal in Morocco has also expressed its willingness to explore new innovative avenues of partnership. In this sense, Rui Cordovil highlighted Portugal’s key assets as a potential land for investment, citing in particular its high GDP growth rate, the fact that it is a secure low-risk and sustainable country, its qualified human capital, its innovative industry and its strategic geographical position.
In this pattern, Portugal’s main trading partners in 2022 are Spain, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, with trade mainly focused on tourism, machinery and appliances, motor vehicles and common metals. “The challenge for trade between Morocco and Portugal is to position Morocco among the 10 main economic and commercial partners of Portugal on an international scale”, concludes Asmex.



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