Reese Witherspoon divorce: shock announcement from the star, mother of three

Faced with this breakup, Reese Witherspoon puts her children first and foremost and unsurprisingly. According to a person close to the star who confided in the magazine Peoplethey love Tennessee and that’s their priority. (…) They don’t want the divorce to affect him negatively. They will continue to raise their boy together amicably. There is no conflict“According to another source that the American media was able to contact, this decision was made as a family, which includes the children of his previous marriage, Ava, 23, and Deacon, 19.”They remain close and it’s really a choice that was made amicably. They want more than anything to raise their family together. They are fully invested in it and want to make sure it all goes as smoothly as possible.“, also indicates the post.

An announcement that coincides within a few days with the birthday of the Oscar-winning actress of Walk the Line (March 22) and that of his marriage. Indeed, Jim Toth and Reese Witherspoon would have celebrated their twelfth wedding anniversary on March 26.

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