They denounce the invasion of the exclusive bus lane of the MTA in New York and ask for more funds for control cameras | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Adriana: authorities of the greatapple met thisyou come to pee deeper thanlet us put more cameras onmta busesWhat are they asking for this measure?oh how would that stop thealejandro: imagine all thetime that this bus loses,it might go waydirect and quick.have to go down the lineregular.we walk the streets ofmanhattan this bus can’tuse your line, we see cars andcars, york lanesexclusive for buses.there you are parking seemed that the line forbuses is the station thefavorite for driversfrom New surprise what we foundfollowing this bus.let’s see this bus halost like five secondsnot counting the time you havewhat to pass’s right in the middle.we approach faust, thevehicle drivercrossed in the bus line.>> now it’s a nightmare.Alejandro: recognize thatis once more violating thelaw, but it says that it is that or notwork. every time they arecrossed on the road singingtake them?>> half an hour.alexander: nypd officersfines of $150 forblock these lines.while half of thelanes in the city already haveyou will be there at 400buses.from then on it willhave to divertit is evident that it is neededwell, that’s why this Friday theauthorities met toask for funds for thispurpose and benefit the1.2 million passengers whothey use buses every day in the greatapple.>> that legislatorsinclude the budget forto expand the use ofYou will love buses.alejandro: the driverscaught drivingparking or stoppingreceive a $50 fineincreases wing sizeviolations.pasaán buses por ámaras, peroexpect more money fromstate allows them to take them toall.parents to take transportationwith his kids.there are open cars forallow parents to boardcarriages. initiative waslaunched last year with 52buses, in its second phaseshelter 1000 in 50 and sevenroutes.the vehicles in the brand

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