Xi Jinping meets Putin, highlights China’s role as peace leader But still no sign of the end of the war ‘Russia-Ukraine’

It was a major event that the world watched as China’s President Xi Jinping visited Moscow. And there is a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin this week. In a move that is seen as a sign of a handshake against Western influence. and upholds China’s role as a leading peace power.

On Monday, March 20, the first day of his visit to Moscow, President Xi and Putin held four-and-a-half hours of talks, each expressing concern over the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s potential military expansion. (NATO) in Asia and agreed to enhance the partnership between them.

The two leaders also warmly referred to each other as “dear friend.”

Putin says he is open to negotiations on Ukraine He praised Beijing’s 12 peace plans. It covers demands for negotiations and respect for the territorial sovereignty of every country.

“Many of the proposals in China’s peace plan can be used as a basis for reaching an agreement through peaceful means. If Ukraine and the West are ready to do it,” the Russian leader said. but added that he himself “I still don’t see readiness from that side.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Kiev had already sent invitations to the Chinese leaders for the meeting. and is waiting for an answer from Beijing

“We invite China to become partners in the peace agreement. We have sent our peace plans through all channels. We invite you to come and talk. And waiting for your answer, ”said Zelensky at the press conference.

over the past few years Moscow and Beijing are looking at ways to enhance their cooperation to counterbalance the United States’ world dominance. Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia is seen as providing a significant boost to Putin, whose arrest warrant was issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on March 17 for war crimes. the forced return of children Ukrainians leave for Russian land

Speaking at a dinner after the first day of talks with Chinese leaders, Putin said: “I am confident that Russian-Chinese cooperation has truly limitless possibilities and opportunities,” which will lead to “prosperity” of the population of both nations

On the second day of his visit to Moscow, Xi said relations with Russia were “It is entering a new era,” while Putin said the meeting with the Chinese leader He said Russia, which has been excluded from the European market by sanctions, will surely be able to support China’s growing energy demand.

Energy cooperation is another high point of Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia, where the Russian leader announced the two nations had reached an agreement on the Siberia 2 gas pipeline project, which will connect Siberia to the West. north of china

The two leaders also issued a joint statement attacking the West. accusing the United States of that it deliberately undermines international security

“Both of us urge the United States to Stop undermining international and regional security. including strategic stability of the world only to achieve a unilateral military advantage,” the joint statement said.

Throughout the two-day visit to Moscow, Xi rarely made direct references to the conflict in Ukraine. But he reiterated on Tuesday that China “stays neutral” on the matter, and although Xi Jinping’s acceptance of peace envoy has so far not yielded tangible results. But it is worth noting that the Chinese leadership has not promised any assistance in the war to the Russian side either.

Xi Jinping left a message to Putin before leaving Moscow. “Now we are undergoing changes that have not been seen in 100 years, and if we work together, We will be the drivers of these changes.”

The Russian leader replied, “I agree,” while Xi also told Putin to “take care of yourself, dear friend.”

China and Russia have often worked hand in hand on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) forum through exercising their veto powers as permanent members to oppose Western measures. cause concern among the Western powers that One day, China may try to take control of Taiwan, which Beijing claims to be its sovereign territory.

While China has tried to portray itself as a “neutral” nation in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States has said early on that China is not qualified to be a good mediator. because he had never once condemned Moscow, which had sent troops to invade Kiev before. It also strengthened economic ties with Russia.

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The United States has also noted that Beijing’s 12-point peace plan, which does not detail how to end the war in Ukraine, may simply be a “squat-kicking tactic” to help Moscow. He also accused China of considering sending weapons to help Russia turn the war game. which is an allegation Beijing denies.

A diplomatic alliance with Beijing will help Russia withstand Western pressure. And also generates a huge amount of money into the Kremlin’s treasury. Because China has now become the largest importer of Russian oil and gas. But heavy reliance on China has made Putin’s image look “inferior to” Xi Jinping, something the Russians are reluctant to do.

“Russia may be worried about increasing dependency on China. But they don’t have a better choice now,” said Li Xin, director of the Institute of European and Asian Studies at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law.

for Russia and China An alliance has become even more necessary after Washington imposed sanctions on Moscow. and also blocking China’s access to key technologies by bringing up the issue of “security”

Earlier this month, Xi Jinping accused the United States of “deliberately blocking China’s development”

“There is a general feeling that the United States and its allies are deliberately blocking Russia and China,” said Li Mingjiang, an international relations expert at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. Studies) at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University, pointing out that although Moscow and Beijing still have While there are some “strategic distrusts,” there are political interests as an incentive to join hands against American influence.

Meanwhile, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida took the opportunity after a visit to India to make an unannounced trip to Ukraine on Tuesday in a move seen as an “entrapment” to President Xi Jin. Ping is expected to have a call with Zelensky after meeting with Putin.

Kishida’s visit made him the first post-World War II Japanese prime minister to visit a war-torn country or region. It is also the first Asian leader among the G7 industrialized nations to visit Ukraine.

Media around the world have published images of Kishida and Zelensky warmly holding hands. In addition, the Prime Minister The Japanese also traveled to Bucha, where the brutal massacre was discovered during the city’s Russian occupation.

Zelenski made a statement that evening that same day. negotiations with Japanese leaders “Be creative”

“I have heard that Japan is very committed to working with us. to protect international order prevent aggression and against Russian terrorism.”

The Ukrainian leader also confirmed that He accepted an invitation to attend the G7 summit that Japan will host in May via a video link.

The curtain was drawn during the Xi-Putin summit. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) also announced a preliminary agreement with Kiev on a four-year loan package worth $15.6 billion. It will support the restoration of Ukrainian infrastructure and the economy that has been shattered by more than a year of Russian military attacks.

US Department of Defense spokesman came out in an interview this week confirming that Washington will accelerate the delivery of 31 Abrams tanks to Ukrainian hands by the fall. Britain announced the delivery of depleted uranium tank ammunition to Ukraine, prompting Putin to condemn and threaten that Moscow might be forced to take “simultaneous” countermeasures.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu warned that Britain’s move could be a threat to use weapons with nuclear components in war. This leaves the possibility of a nuclear confrontation between Russia and the West only a few steps away.

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