massive march in repudiation of the latest military coup

More than 2,000 people came out to march this Friday 24M, in commemoration of the Day for Memory, Truth and Justice in Barilochand. The demonstrators closed ranks in repudiation of the military coup that established the last dictatorship in the country.

Although the current political situation was present in the mobilization, with marked contrasts between sectors aligned with the defense of Vice President Cristina Fernández and those who do not agree with Kirchnerism.

There were two mobilizations that later converged in a single column that advanced to the Civic Center, where the central act was held. A group of protesters gathered at the house where they are detained with house arrest the four women from the Lafken Winkul Mapu Mapuche community. The four are accused and prosecuted for usurpations in Villa Mascardi. That mobilization left around 6:00 p.m. in the direction of downtown Bariloche.

Another larger group congregated at Onelli and Brown. From that point, hundreds of protesters went out to the Civic Center. The two marches joined in Moreno and Onelli. Although the differences were evident in the street between the sectors aligned with Kirchnerism and those who do not militate in that space.

There were dozens of unions, political and social groups that participated in the march. The column arrived at the Civic Center around 7:00 p.m., where the stage was set up for the official act.

Four documents were read, which reflects the nuances and differences that existed before the march.

The Hijos group expressed its position in repudiation of the coup, there was another document where it was requested for the freedom of Mapuche women with house arrest since the beginning of last October.

The APDH Bariloche, along with other organizations identified with Kirchnerism, also demonstrated once morest the proscription of Cristina Fernández, who was sentenced to 6 years in prison and perpetual special disqualification from holding public office for the crime of fraudulent administration to the detriment of the public administration . The sentence is not final and can be appealed.

“We do not forgive, we do not reconcile, there are 30,000 comrades!”shouted the former labor chamberlain Rubén Marigo, militant and member of the APDH Bariloche.

There was a space for a group of teachers to express themselves at the event, with the general secretary of Unter Bariloche, Adriana Lizazo, at the helm. At that moment, leaders and militants of the CTA – some identified with the sector of the Lista Celeste de la Unter – withdrew from the Civic Center.

Activists of the Truth and Justice Memory Meeting space read their document at the closing, which is the same one that was disseminated in thousands of squares in the country.

Night had already fallen on the city and hundreds of protesters were beginning to leave. After the arcades of the Civic Center, on Miter Street, the reality was different. Hundreds of people wandering around, looking at shop windows, others in sweet shops, ice cream parlors, shops, oblivious to what was happening in the main square of this city.

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