Department of Disease Control found 3 more cases of smallpox monkeys found a history of having sex with strangers in a Bangkok brothel

On March 24, Dr. Tares Krassaniyawiwong Director General Department of Disease Control The Ministry of Public Health said that monkey pox is a communicable disease that must be monitored in Thailand. Since May 25, 2022, there have been 15 cumulative confirmed cases. Recently, 3 new cases have been reported and are being treated at Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute. which gradually received treatment during the past week, according to the investigation of the disease Three smallpox patients were male, aged between 27 and 40 years old, two were Thai nationals and one was a foreigner with a history of living in Thailand for regarding 10 years. Never knew each other. However, the last 2 patients gave a history of having sex with a stranger in a service place. by the Department of Disease Control together with Bangkok Send a disease control investigation team to the area. Ready to separate groups at risk of exposure to the disease Observe symptoms closely for 3 weeks.

Dr. Sophon Iamsirithaworn Deputy Director-General of the Department of Disease Control said that at present, Thailand has found 18 smallpox patients, of which the last 3 patients have been treated at Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute. and the rash started to improve Which is the location where pustules are found in the genital area, which is likely to become infected during sex with a stranger in a dimly lit brothel Similar to the outbreak of smallpox in foreign countries such as Spain and Canada last year, asking for the cooperation of all hospitals to prepare in case a suspected infection or person with symptoms is found. to collect samples for confirmation of infection and isolate patients until results are known in order to prevent the spread of infection People can protect themselves by avoiding close contact with people who have fever and rashes, blisters, pustules on the body. Refrain from having sex or intimate contact with strangers or people who don’t know their history. Always wash your hands often. with soapy water or alcohol gel Do not share personal items with others, such as towels.

If there are suspected symptoms such as rashes on the body, raised blisters, blisters, pustules, scabs following fever, sore throat, headache, muscle pain enlarged lymph nodes Especially people with a history of risk. You can report your risk history and get tested for infection at a hospital near you immediately. For more information, please contact the Department of Disease Control hotline, Tel. 1422.



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