Evo Morales speaks in Neuquén, under a strong security operation

He former president of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Evo Morales, is touring Argentina and, for this reason, this Friday, March 24, Day of Memory, Truth and Justice, arrived at Neuquen. The leader was announced as the keynote speaker at an event organized by the Frente de Todos, before the march that, as every year for this date, was convened by the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Alto Valle and Neuquén branch. After traditional Bolivian dances, around 5:00 p.m., the leader arrived, guarded by a strong security operation.

He Frente de Todos de Neuquén announced the arrival of the Latin American leader and his meeting with the candidate for Governor, Ramón Rioseco. “Comrade President Evo Morales comes to support his candidacy for Governor,” reads the material released by the Frente de Todos in Neuquén.

Before flying to Neuquén, the leader was in Rosario, with the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo and participated in the discussion “Latin America and the challenges of progressive forces.” Also, in Buenos Aires, at the III World Forum on Human Rights, he was part of the panel “40 years of democracy: struggles, challenges, learning”, with the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro, and the former president of Ecuador , Rafael Correa.

Also, today referred to the Day of Truth on their social networks to ask for “an end to impunity and guarantee comprehensive reparation for the victims of the serious violations of Human Rights of the de facto government established with the November 2019 coup«.

Upon his arrival at the Presidente Perón airport, Morales was received by Rioseco, his running mate Ayelén Gutiérrez and the candidate for deputy and former Secretary of Energy, Darío Martínez, among others. The event was scheduled at 4:00 p.m., in the Central Park of Neuquén capital. You can follow live on Rioseco’s social networks.

Before Morales spoke, different candidates greeted: Micaela Gomiz (PTP), Jesús Escobar (LdS), Julio Fuentes (UNE), Lorena Parrilli (PJ), Darío Martínez (PJ) and a video of the mayor of Cutral Co, José Rioseco, who is hospitalized for a health problem. Then Gutiérrez and Rioseco spoke. In all cases, the interventions were brief, referring to Remembrance Day and highlighting the figure of Evo Morales.

At 5:40 p.m., Morales took the microphone, shouting Long live Argentina, long live the Great Homeland, long live Ramón! In addition, he highlighted that Neuquén had concentrated more people than the other provinces that he had recently visited.

Morales will continue his tour of Patagonia in Chubut

As it became known, one day following passing through Neuquén (March 25) Evo Morales will continue his tour of southern Argentina in Chubut, where he will be received by Governor Mariano Arcioni, and the mayor of Puerto Madryn, Gustavo Sastre, a town where he will also be.

In Chubut he will meet with the Federal Construction Civil Associationof which Morales is a sponsor and his agenda includes a meeting with the Bolivian community in the area.

Finally, the itinerary contemplates that the Bolivian referent receives the honorary degree by the National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco, where his latest documentary will also be screened.

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