The Antibes hospital labeled by the Lacassagne center in Nice for the quality of care against female cancers

Wedding picture. It was almost believed, this Wednesday. Emmanuel Barranger, director of the Antoine Lacassagne center in Nice, went to the Antibes hospital center to say yes: the hospital does indeed deserve to be labeled by the center for the fight once morest cancer – which is among the 100 best in the world – for its senology and gynecology departments.

Concretely? “This means that by coming to be treated with us, patients will receive the same quality of care as at the Lacassagne center”summarizes Bastien Ripert.

The director of the hospital gives details of the criteria taken into account: “Delays in care, process of the announcement consultation with the key role of the nurse, personalization of care, access to innovative treatments…”

Bastien Ripert, director of the hospital (on the left) formalized this labeling with Emmanuel Barranger, director of the Antoine Lacassagne center. Photo E.M. et Ch d’Antibes.

Sharing of surgeons

That’s not all, for Emmanuel Barranger: “Patients, weakened by the disease, will no longer have to make multiple trips to Nice. The aim is also to guarantee a complete care offer, accessible to all and with no additional costs.”

Unite to complement each other in the material, first: devoid of the tools necessary to offer radiotherapy treatments, the hospital of Antibes will now be able to offer it through the center of Nice.

“Gynecologists from the center will come from Nice to intervene on pelvic cancers in addition to the existing team”adds Bastien Ripert, who does not forget to point out that surgeons and doctors are already shared between the two establishments for “to gain skills”.

127 breast cancers treated

If this labeling is possible, it is because the hospital is already very advanced in the cancerology sector.

Equipped with an operating room, two MRIs and two scanners – including a new one, at the end of 2023, reserved for emergencies – the establishment created the Antibois Breast Institute in 2019. A “one-stop shop” that brings together all dedicated healthcare professionals to facilitate the care pathway.

Currently, 127 women are followed there.

In 2021, the institute performed 60 surgeries and 280 chemotherapy. A model that has proven itself and which will even be rolled out, by 2030, with an Antibes Oncology Institute.


Antibes hospital center: 107 avenue de Nice. Antibois Breast Institute: Gynecology department:



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