Crosses between the Government and the opposition for the 30 hours it takes the train to Mendoza

After the president Alberto Fernandez reopened following thirty years train that connects the Retiro station in the city of Buenos Aires with Palmira, in Mendozadifferent representatives of the opposition questioned the announcement and even remarked that the travel delay is longer than before.

“After 30 years, the train returns to Palmira, Mendoza. It is a great joy to reconnect 55 towns in five provinces of our country. I set out that the train occupy the place it deserves and we are making it a reality,” said the Chief of State in their social networks. In the photograph he was accompanied by the Ministers of Economy and Transport, Sergio Massa and Diego Giuliano, and also by Rodolfo Suárez, local governor.

As reported by the presidency, the extension of the San Martín line that starts from Retiro it connects 55 locations and will bring benefits for 300,000 passengers.

Alberto Fernández led an act with Sergio Massa in the midst of internal tensions: “Don’t leave me dreaming alone”

They also added that “it will have a weekly frequency, will allow between 400 and 500 people to travel per formation and will pass through 22 intermediate stations: José C. Paz, Pilar, Mercedes P, Franklin, Rivas, Castilla, Rawson, Chacabuco, O ́Higgins , Junín, Alem, Vedia, Alberdi, Iriarte, Rufino, Laboulaye, General Levalle, Vicuña Mackenna, Justo Daract, Beazley, La Paz and Libertador General San Martín”. The trips would begin in April.

The reopening of the train to Mendoza, in the crack

The reopening, like most of the issues where the political leadership participates, was not exempt from falling into the crack. One of the first to question the government’s spirit of celebration was the deputy María Eugenia Vidal, who remarked: “In 2023, Kirchnerism celebrates a train that takes 30 hours to reach Mendoza. Pure demagogy. Progress and modernization was to open the first Low Cost Airport in Latin America in Palomar”.

Gustavo Cairo, president of the bloc of Pro deputies in Mendoza, also expressed himself in similar terms. “Celebrate decadence! Today the president is coming to “inaugurate” a train that Julio A. Roca truly inaugurated in 1885, 138 years ago. In 1903 it would arrive in San Rafael and in 1910 in Chile. Instead of putting a modern train, they made it worse, it took 18 hours and now 27“, She complained.

María Eugenia Vidal criticized the reopening of the train to Mendoza.

The former vice president and current senator, Julio Cobos, was less vehement but also critical: “Like the first time, 138 years ago, the passenger train to Mendoza is welcome. It brings back memories of my grandfather, Cleto, who was a railway worker. I traveled a lot to his house in Villa del Parque. It was a 13h trip in the 60s. Today, following 60 years, it took 27h“, wrote.

The Retiro-Mendoza train will work once more from April

PROFILE consulted sources from the Ministry of Transportation to find out precisely the train’s delay time: “It is a milestone, an important moment to have recovered what previous governments destroyed. The train journey lasts 28 hours and the first thing that was done was to ensure that the operation was safe, of course the intention is to reduce travel time, there are a lot of users who this train is going to make a big change in their lives, especially economically for the tickets that are going to be available for sale and we trust that everything will be optimizing over time. It is understandable that since the previous management they criticize, they only developed metrobuses and invested zero pesos in the trains. Reactivating branches, reconnecting 55 cities that saw the train disappear 30 years ago or carrying out works so that a train reaches more than 1,000 km have never been a priority,” they said.


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