Marches, events and street closures for Remembrance Day

In addition to the demonstrations, today there will be different activities in many locations in the country, ranging from exhibitions and screenings to tours on public roads.

-The Cultural Institute of the province of Buenos Aires will carry out talks, samples, projections, conversations and calls in theaters, museums, libraries and institutions that are under its orbit.

-The Teatro Argentino de La Plata will present for free and with online reservation the work of music and poetry “Mojones”, by Liliana Herrero, Juan Falú and Teresa Parodi; The opening of the day will be in charge of the singer-songwriter from La Plata, Carmen Sánchez Viamonte.

-You can visit the Emilio Pettoruti Provincial Museum of Fine Arts with “30.000″, a work by Eduardo Gil in the Museum window, from March 21 to 30 and at the Rossi de La Plata Hospital “Las Anónimas” until March 31.

-The municipality of La Plata organizes guided bike tours of ex-clandestine centers and buildings marked by the last military dictatorship to “keep collective memory alive.”

-The government of Santa Fe launched “40 Murals, 40 years of Democracy”, that invites artists to produce works in murals that will be distributed throughout the territory of Santa Fe, with a conceptual axis on the 40th anniversary of the recovery of democracy.

-On the other hand, the call started “Memory Shorts”in which amateur and professional audiovisual filmmakers will be able to participate with short films referring to the historical period that includes from the beginning of the military dictatorship to the recovery of democracy in 1983.

The secretary of Human Rights, Horacio Pietragalla Cortisaid today in radio statements that today “everyone is a victim of what happened on March 24” of 1976 and gave a critical vision of the future.

“These are those days that one would not want to have in the history of their country, they were transformed into days of resistance struggle, into a giant human encounter of militants, family members and victims of State terrorism. Those of us who had the bad luck of having a direct victim, but beyond this, we know that we are all victims of what happened on March 24, ”he said in an interview on Radio 10.

Then, he expressed his critical look at the future, in view of the election year and the inmates of political spaces: “We were all victims of that economic model that was installed following the dictatorship. An unfortunate stage begins where they begin to break us culturally and to put above all things a model where individualism and internal division become deeper from terror and hatred.

On the Day of Memory, Truth and Justice, the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team, which has the important task of identifying and returning to their families the bodies of unidentified people, such as those killed in the last military dictatorship, launched a message on the networks alluding to this date.

The main act to remember the victims of the military coup today will take place in Plaza de Mayo. The central call is expected around 2:00 p.m.

Various entities will gather there, including Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Founding LineRelatives of Detained and Disappeared for Political Reasons, HIJOS Capital, Permanent Assembly for Human Rights, Permanent Assembly for Human Rights La Matanza, Good Memory Association, Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS), Memory Commission, Truth and Justice Zone North, Relatives and Companions of the 12 of the Holy Cross, Argentine Historical and Social Memory Foundation, Argentine League for Human Rights and the Ecumenical Movement for Human Rights.


Conocé The Trust Project



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