Hyderabad > Junior NTR fans eagerly awaited NTR 30 has launched. The film is directed by Koratala Siva, starring Junior NTR and Bollywood beauty Janhvi Kapoor. South Indian super directors SS Rajamouli and Prashant Neel also attended the launch of the film in a star-studded event. The film is produced by Harikrishna K, Yuvasudha and Mikkileneni Sudhakar under NTR Arts. The film is presented by Nandamuri Kalyan Ram. The film was launched at a function attended by many special guests. Prashant Neel, SS. Rajamouli, famous producer Shyam Prasad Reddy, NTR, Janhvi Kapoor, Koratala Siva, Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, Mikkileneni Sudhakar, Naveen Yerneni, Prakash Raj, Srikanth, BVSN Prasad, Asian Sunil, Abhishek Nama, Abhishek Aggarwal, Bharat Chaudhary, Eminent people like Dilraju participated in the event. SS Rajamouli gave the first clapboard for the film and director Koratala Siva switched on the camera. The first shot was directed by Prashant Neel. After Janatha Garage, this is also the film directed by Koratala Siva along with NTR. Music director Anirudh also attended the function. ‘It seems like a year ago that I met Koratala Shiva. Grateful to be a part of Koratala Siva sir’s grand vision and thank Tarak for giving me this opportunity to work with the team of legends, Anirudh said. The film will release on April 5, 2024. Ratnavelu Kadai as Uchaja, Sabu Cyril as production designer, Sreekar Prasad as editor, and other prominent figures of Indian cinema are in the front and behind the scenes of the film. In 2016, Junior NTR and Koratala Shiva teamed up in Janatagarage. Malayalam’s own Mohanlal also starred in the film. Chiranjeevi and Ramcharan’s Acharya is the last film directed by Koratala Siva. RRR directed by Rajamouli is the film released as Junior NTR. PRO Athira Diljit. Read on deshabhimani.com