Zakia Khattabi denounces MR’s stance in the UMons medical degree controversy, calling it a recurring issue every week.

During a recent interview, Zakia Khattabi, the Minister of Climate and the Environment, discussed various topics. The first of these was the social conflict at Delhaize, which she considers a symptom of the flaws in the current economic system. She believes that this system prioritizes absolute growth and profit over people and the environment. Khattabi also stressed the need for social dialogue to ensure the well-being of workers.

The discussion then shifted to the budget deficit, with Khattabi urging for investment to be made to avoid a future crisis. However, she criticized financial institutions for not taking into account climate risk in their analyses, which she considers a significant insurance risk.

The interview touched on the latest IPCC report, which warns of the dire consequences of climate change. Khattabi believes that while the technological means to effect change are available, it is ultimately a matter of political will.

Lastly, the interview addressed the opening of a master’s degree in medicine at the University of Mons. Khattabi expressed skepticism and a loss of trust in the parties involved due to the frequent changes in the case.

To see the full interview with the federal minister, click on the video above.

First subject discussed around the table: the social conflict at Delhaize. For Zakia Khattabi, this clearly shows the “limits of an economic model”: “It is a productivist model which believes in absolute growth and which, in the name of profits, turns a blind eye to the impact of people and the climate,” she points out. The guest continues by also explaining that it will be necessary to ensure the “social dialogue” so that “the conditions of well-being at work are guaranteed”.

The federal minister then spoke regarding the budget deficit. “We’re going into the wall if we don’t make investments today,” she says. Zakia Khattabi, however, criticizes financial institutions in Belgium for “diagnosing the current situation with the glasses of the 90s”. “They do not, for example, take into account the climate risk in their analyzes when we know that it is the first insurance risk”, proclaims the politician.

The Ecolo member also gave her opinion on the latest IPCC report, which speaks of “a final warning” regarding the climate crisis. “Unless you’ve been Sleeping Beauty, no one can be surprised by this report. Experts confirm the role of human activity in climate change. They affirm that the technological means are there, that a change remains possible but that it is not so much a question of science but rather of will”, analyzes the Minister of Climate and the Environment.

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Finally, the organization of a master’s degree in medicine at the University of Mons concluded the interview. “There are soap operas that I no longer watch,” quips Zakia Khattabi. “It mostly indicates a crisis of trust in one of the partners. Every week, it’s a different file”, she asserts.

Find the full interview with the federal minister in the video above.

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In conclusion, the interview with Zakia Khattabi shed light on various pressing issues that demand our attention. From the social conflict at Delhaize to the budget deficit and the climate crisis, the federal minister highlighted the urgent need for change and action. The interview serves as a wake-up call for all of us to take responsibility and make necessary changes in our respective fields. Let us hope that we draw inspiration from the words of Zakia Khattabi and work towards building a better future for ourselves and the planet.



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