after 40 years of struggle, “we have never been so close to enjoying a world without AIDS”

“After 40 years of struggle, we have never been so close to enjoying a world without AIDS”. Here is the slogan of Sidaction for its 2023 campaign, which runs from Friday 23 to Sunday 25 March. On this occasion, the association for the fight once morest HIV recalls some figures: more than 38 million people live with AIDS in the world – including 174,000 in France – and 650,000 die from it each year.

“This means that we have not yet eradicated the disease, yet we must get there since we know that with the treatments, people do not develop the disease”, explains to AFP the Nobel-winning virologist Françoise Barré. -Sinoussi. “If we manage to treat 100% of infected people, they will no longer develop AIDS.”

But there remains a major challenge, according to the specialist: “A quarter of people living with AIDS still do not have access to treatment for various reasons, including the fact that screening is insufficient.”

In France, there are still more than 5,000 discoveries of HIV each year, according to Sidaction. Some 23% of these new discoveries concern the over 50s and 13% concern under 25 ans.

To donate to Sidaction:

  • By telephone on 110 (free number).
  • By SMS by sending DON to 92 110.
  • Par internet.



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