the State must educate the children of the deceased and grant long-term compensation to the beneficiaries (association) –

The patriotic movement “My Gabon”, in a declaration of which obtained a copy, suggested to the State to take full charge of the schooling of the children of those who died or disappeared in this tragedy and granted long-term compensation to assigns.

« That the education of the children of the disappeared be provided by the Gabonese State until the end of their university course “, proposes this movement in the declaration signed by its Secretary General, Dr Eric-Simon Zue Obiang.

« That, by refuting the idea of ​​global and punctual compensation, widows, widowers, ascendants and dependent orphans receive compensation from the State for 30 years “, proposes the movement once more.

Thus the Gabonese State would express its solidarity with the families of the victims, believe the members of the Mon Gabon movement.

The text, however, regrets the timorous international solidarity shown towards Gabon following this tragedy.

And yet, Gabon has always been one of the first countries to come to the aid of other disaster-stricken countries, he recalls.

« Is it necessary to recall that, in the face of situations of pain that certain friendly or partner countries have experienced, Gabon has often been one of the first countries to manifest, and this, in an obvious way, its solidarity “, in particular wrote the movement.

My Gabon also deplores the attempt to recuperate the pain of others by donors who overmediatize their aid to the parents of the victims and to the survivors.

Doesn’t Matthew 6:3-4 say regarding this: But when your right hand gives something to a poor person, your left hand itself must not know it. Thus, this gift must remain secret; and God, your Father, who sees what you do in secret, will reward you “, recalls the movement.

Eric Simon Zue Obiang, SG My Gabon /
Eric Simon Zue Obiang, SG My Gabon ©

Finally, my Gabon salutes the promptness, bravery and patriotism of Commander Noël Mougoula of the Celestial ship, who saved more than a hundred people out of the 124 survivors of the tragedy “theto where others have remained in cruel indifference “, he underlines.

“May these patriots find here our eternal gratitude! concluded the statement.

The movement finally salutes the Gabonese authorities for having decreed a national mourning of 3 days and urgently issued identity documents to the survivors.

It is recalled that the official toll of the sinking of the ship Esther Miracle on March 23, 2023 is 29 dead, 8 missing, 3 unidentified bodies and 124 survivors.

Camille Boussougou



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