Medical research.. Fasting improves mood –

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“Al-Ahsa Today” – Al-Ahsa

The month of Ramadan is a good opportunity for many people to give up some bad habits such as smoking or to control stress and anger. Mental health doctors believe that getting rid of these habits depends on the person himself and his inner determination to give up everything that harms his mental health.

Several studies also indicated the benefit of fasting on mental health, a benefit that was observed in various researches that confirmed the possibility of making several decisions to get rid of negative habits before the holy month, perhaps the most prominent of which is smoking.

The International Journal of Medical Research indicated in one of its reports that fasting improves a person’s mental health by improving his cognitive levels.

Also, abstaining from food during the hours of the fasting day enhances brain health, which reflects positively on the way of thinking.

In this context, the consultant psychiatrist, Dr. Hussein Omar, said, according to “Sky News Arabia”:

Studies have shown that fasting has positive effects on mood and cessation of bad habits.

Ramadan is not an opportunity to fast from food and drink, but it is also an opportunity to meditate.

As Ramadan begins, people have the determination and the sincere intention to make a difference.

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