France awaits a million-strong demonstration… and a new tactic for “retirement refusers”

Demonstrators in France are adopting a new tactic in expressing their rejection of the law to raise the retirement age, at a time when the capital, Paris, is anticipating a demonstration that is expected to be a million people, according to our correspondent, Thursday.

The new tactic

  • The Sky News Arabia correspondent said that groups of demonstrators are entering train stations and airports in dozens, or blocking main roads.
  • She added that this tactic confuses the government because it does not know what the next stop the demonstrators will target.
  • The reporter was reporting on protesters who stormed Gardillion, the main train station in the French capital.
  • This tactic has been followed by these people in recent days, after they used to block roads by placing trucks in the middle of them.

Train services were disrupted and some schools were closed in French cities, in light of the unions’ escalation against the decision to raise the retirement age, and French workers, angry at the law, blocked the way to a lounge at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, Thursday.

Our correspondent said that there were demonstrations in more than 200 French cities at the same time, and the unions asked the police to organize them.

Bastille Millionaire

  • Our correspondent reported that the planned demonstration in the Place de la Bastille in central Paris is expected to turn into a million people.
  • She pointed out that there is cooperation between the security of the unions and the French police, so that matters do not get out of control, noting that 12 thousand policemen have been deployed throughout France to confront the protests.
  • The most important security concern, which is the possibility of rioting and violent elements among the demonstrators, especially in the night demonstrations.
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What you should know about the controversial retirement system

  • Macron’s pension reform raises the retirement age from 62 to 64.
  • It was proposed to amend the pension system to maintain its funding.
  • The French government decided to pass the law and avoid a vote in parliament last week.
  • Opinion polls show that a wide majority of the French oppose the pension reform law and the government’s decision to pass its bill without a vote in Parliament.
  • Protests against the project gathered huge, peaceful crowds at rallies organized by trade unions.

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