Pension reform. The world of culture calls for the closure of cinemas, museums, places of performance and creation

Cultural professionals from Rennes are calling on “our sectors to join the mobilization by striking and closing cultural venues”. Around 10:30 a.m. on March 23, around 120 people gathered behind the TNB left to join the demonstration in Rennes.

A general assembly on the eve of act 9 of the opposition to the pension reform, this Wednesday, March 22, calls for the closure of cultural places in Rennes. A way to harden the protest movement once morest the pension reform.
This general assembly of cultural professionals from Rennes brought together members of the Théâtre National de Bretagne, the Ateliers du Vent, the Antipode, the Triangle, the Opera, the University of Rennes 2, the Arvor cinema, Comptoir of the Doc, and of the independents.

The Rennes General Assembly supports the interprofessional movement and calls for its amplification.

Today it is for security reasons that the TNB is closed, not for support, says Miriam, employee at the TNB, but it has a symbolic weight the closure of cultural places.

A procession formed around 10:30 a.m. on Thursday March 23 to join the demonstration in the streets of Rennes.

closing may be shooting yourself in the foot

Eric Gouzannet, director of Arvor

Marina, music producer and record store is one of them. “We are not opening today, we will not be selling records, but everyone must act, she says with conviction“.

A new general assembly must meet at the end of the parade. She may decide on actions to obtain the closure of certain rooms, even if this solution is not the only one to act according to Eric Gouzannet.

The director of L’Arvor thinks aloud: “closing may be shooting yourself in the foot (the Covid has left traces editor’s note). On the other hand projections to feed strike funds, to bring the debate by films, why not.

Today everyone is on strike in this Rennes cinema.

Similar actions exist elsewhere in Brittany. This is the case at the Carré Magique in Lannion, for example, which “join the national movement“.

In Guingamp, it was the strike of part of the staff that caused the cancellation of the show “Fin et suite” at the Théâtre du Champ-au-roi.



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