After the new crown, skin allergies, itching and unbearable Chinese medicine: this kind of ingredients are combined with two major acupoints to help improve | Life | CTWANT

After the new crown, the skin is itchy and unbearable Chinese medicine: this kind of food + two major acupoints help improve

Recently, there have been several new cases of “monkeypox” following being diagnosed in China. In addition to “monkeypox”, skin itching and skin blisters are also very common following the new crown, but itchy skin and “monkeypox” following the new crown What’s the difference between rashes? Let Lai Bozheng, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, explain.

After the diagnosis, a lumpy red rash appeared on the chest and abdomen, and itching was unbearable

Twenty-two-year-old Ms. Wang was infected with new coronary pneumonia a few years ago. After treatment, her cough and sore throat and other upper respiratory symptoms disappeared. The size of a five-yuan coin is clustered and scattered around the abdomen. From time to time, there will be sudden itching, and the surrounding skin will be red, and occasionally feel hot. There is miliary desquamation around the rash. Itching at night and following bathing is unbearable. Recurrent episodes, sometimes scratching to bleeding, affecting the appearance of the skin, so seek help from a doctor.

Dr. Lai Bozheng explained that one of the common symptoms of the new crown in the late stage of the new crown is skin disease. This type of skin disease is similar to “monkeypox”. The similarities are itchy skin, headache, muscle pain, low-grade fever and lethargy. However, “monkeypox” more often occurs within three days following fever, tends to concentrate on the face and limbs, is smaller in size, and is mainly granular red rashes, but this type of rash often reappears following the new crown. Predominantly large plaques.

Dr. Lai Bozheng pointed out that Chinese medicine had mentioned similar concepts in the early days. For example, the ancient book “Synopsis of the Golden Chamber” mentioned that “winds and winds fight each other, and strong winds lead to rashes, body itches, itches to vent wind, and long-term scabs.” . “People’s skin is deficient, and if it is broken by wind evil, hidden rashes will appear.”

The two acupoints for the invasion of external evils and the unremoved of pathogenic factors relieve skin itching

At present, it is not clear regarding the skin itching and easy skin scratching following diagnosis. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it may be related to external epidemic pathogens. At the beginning, external pathogens, wind and heat invade the body surface, causing fever on the body surface, and neck. Headaches caused by tight muscles and poor blood circulation. In the mid-term, it is caused by the lack of righteousness in the body, the whole body is tired and tired, and the physical strength and spirit are deteriorated. In the later stage, because the pathogenic factors have not been eliminated, the pathogenic energy enters the blood, causing blood heat to accumulate, and the skin is flushed due to congestion, protruding from the surface of the skin and very itchy. Chinese medicine will make different diagnosis and treatment according to the appearance of skin lesions and concurrent diseases, adding the concept of constitution.

Dr. Lai Bozheng shared that two acupoints can be used to prevent and relieve skin itching.

1. Quchi point:
Quchi acupoint itself is the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand Yangming, which belongs to the meridian where Qi and blood surge, and has the functions of dispelling heat and expelling wind, regulating Qi and blood.
Location: Bend the elbow, the midpoint of the line connecting the lateral end of the elbow crease and the outer bone of the humerus.

2. Chikubin Cave:
Zhubin acupoint is the acupoint of the kidney meridian. It has the functions of dredging the lower energizer, clearing away heat and detoxifying, and is considered an important acupoint for detoxification in traditional Chinese medicine.
Location: On the inner surface of the calf, five inches above the tip of the medial malleolus, in the depression below the belly of the posterior border of the bone.

In addition, it is advisable to pay attention to eating more fruits and vegetables with a cold nature and flavor, which can help the body to eliminate heat and toxins. In terms of fruits, you can eat more fruits and vegetables such as bananas, watermelons, cantaloupe, and pears, because the above four fruits are sweet in nature and taste. Cold, with some effects of clearing away heat and relieving heat, relieving restlessness and quenching thirst. Vegetables can eat more celery, bitter gourd, mung beans, and coix seed, because the above vegetables have the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying, suitable for skin rashes caused by excessive heat, and have the effect of diuretic and dampness. However, it should be noted that the above-mentioned fruits and vegetables are relatively cold. If you eat too much, it may also cause gastrointestinal diarrhea. It is best to consult a professional doctor for help.



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