Human health is part of its health.. Will the world succeed in saving the earth’s lungs?

health than forest health" A slogan to celebrate the International Day of Forests in 2023, which is an occasion that the world celebrates on March 21 of each year, to indicate the extent of protection that trees provide for humans, at a time when forest areas in the world are greatly declining.

Absorbing 15.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide

And the researcher in environmental and climate affairs, Mazen Abboud, said in an interview with the site "Sky News Arabia"Forests are considered "the lungs of the earth" This is evidence of its importance in the global system, just as a person cannot live without his lungs, so the earth cannot live without forests, which are being destroyed by the party that was supposed to protect them, which is humans, indicating that according to the United Nations Forests cover about 31 percent of the world’s land area, absorbing approximately 15.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide each year.

Forests have a range of benefits

Abboud explains that forests are responsible for providing a range of benefits, which are in the interest of human health and well-being, as they are an essential source of food and medicine, and reduce the emergence of diseases transmitted by animals to humans, as they store carbon, improve air and soil quality, and increase their fertility. It also regulates the process of water retention, and helps in the process of cooling cities, pointing out that a person should always remember that all aspects of his life are linked to the existence of forests, starting with the cup of water he drinks to the medicine he takes, and the air he breathes.

Loss of 104 million hectares of forests

According to Abboud, studies have confirmed that since 2000, the world has lost more than 104 million hectares of forests, pointing out that it is not too late, and that the lungs of the earth can be saved, by promoting integrated management of forest risks, organizing and planning commercial cutting of trees, and reforestation. And control forest fires, and encourage farmers and companies to conduct their business, in a manner that is not harmful to forests, which to this day host 80 percent of amphibians, 75 percent of bird species, and 68 percent of mammal species in the world.

Where does forest tree density decrease?

For his part, the specialist in the technical management of forests, Al-Nour Abdullah Al-Siddiq Muhammad, said in an interview with Mawaqia "Sky News Arabia"He pointed out that one of the most important main reasons for declining forests is human dependence on many components of the economy at the expense of forests, which leads to Cutting down trees for the benefit of urban expansion and agriculture, whose area is also expanding, due to the expansion in the field of food production, so forests are cut down to reach the goals of food production.

Fires and logging

According to Al-Siddiq Muhammad, a professor at the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Khartoum, fires also play a major role in decreasing forest areas, in addition to the process of cutting trees to obtain wood for use in the wood industry around the world, stressing that neglecting the role of forests in addressing the problems of climate change It will negatively affect people’s lives.


This connection between human life and forests prompted the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to choose the title “Human Health from Forest Health” as a slogan to celebrate the International Day of Forests in 2023, an occasion that the world celebrates on March 21 of each year, in order to indicate the extent of the protection it provides. Trees are for people, while the world’s forests are declining dramatically.

Absorbing 15.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide

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And the researcher in environmental and climate affairs, Mazen Abboud, said, in an interview with “Sky News Arabia”, that forests are considered “the lungs of the earth”, and this is evidence of their importance in the global system, just as a person cannot live without his lungs, so the earth cannot live. Without the forests, which are being destroyed by the party that was supposed to protect them, which is humans, noting that, according to the United Nations, forests cover about 31 percent of the world’s land area, and absorb approximately 15.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide. every year.

Forests have a range of benefits

Abboud explains that forests are responsible for providing a range of benefits, which are in the interest of human health and well-being, as they are an essential source of food and medicine, and reduce the emergence of diseases transmitted by animals to humans, as they store carbon, improve air and soil quality, and increase their fertility. It also regulates the process of water retention, and helps in the process of cooling cities, pointing out that a person should always remember that all aspects of his life are linked to the existence of forests, starting with the cup of water he drinks to the medicine he takes, and the air he breathes.

Loss of 104 million hectares of forests

According to Abboud, studies have confirmed that since 2000, the world has lost more than 104 million hectares of forests, pointing out that it is not too late, and that the lungs of the earth can be saved, by promoting integrated management of forest risks, organizing and planning commercial cutting of trees, and reforestation. And control forest fires, and encourage farmers and companies to conduct their business, in a manner that is not harmful to forests, which to this day host 80 percent of amphibians, 75 percent of bird species, and 68 percent of mammal species in the world.

Where does forest tree density decrease?

For his part, the specialist in the technical management of forests, Al-Nour Abdullah Al-Siddiq Muhammad, said in an interview with “Sky News Arabia” that the most areas in which the density of forests decreases and the quantity of trees decreases, are the African continent, South America, the Amazon forests and the forests of the Congo Basin, indicating that One of the main reasons for the decline of forests is the dependence of humans on many components of the economy at the expense of forests, which leads to cutting down trees in favor of urbanization and agriculture, whose area is also expanding due to the expansion of food production, so forests are cut down to reach the goals of food production.

Fires and logging

According to Al-Siddiq Muhammad, a professor at the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Khartoum, fires also play a major role in decreasing forest areas, in addition to the process of cutting trees to obtain wood for use in the wood industry around the world, stressing that neglecting the role of forests in addressing the problems of climate change It will negatively affect people’s lives.

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