“Politics: Democratic Progressive Party Gears Up for 2024 by Enhancing Role of Lin Chuyin and Zhuo Guanting as Spokespersons, Reports Sanli News Network SETN.COM”

The Democratic Progressive Party has announced two new spokespeople for the 2024 presidential election. Legislator Lin Chuyin, New Taipei City Councilor Zhuo Guanting, and former news department director and spokesperson Zhang Zhihao will form a team of three to strengthen the party’s speech system. DPP Secretary-General Xu Liming held a press conference to announce the new spokespeople, stating that Lin Chuyin has experience in media and has previously assisted in election campaigns. Meanwhile, Zhuo Guanting has experience as the director of the Taichung City News Bureau and often gives his opinions on current events. Liming noted that Lin Chuyin is strong in the second constituency and familiar with Congress and governance, while also having knowledge in industries such as media, culture, education, and transportation.

Reporter Gao Yifan / Report from Taipei

In preparation for the 2024 presidential election, the Democratic Progressive Party announced two new spokespeople today (23rd), including legislator Lin Chuyin, New Taipei City Councilor Zhuo Guanting, and the original news department director and spokesperson Zhang Zhihao, forming three people Team, strengthen the speech system.

▲DPP Secretary-General Xu Liming announced the new spokespersons Lin Chuyin (second from the right) and Zhuo Guanting (first from the left) (Photo/photographed by reporter Gao Yifan)

DPP Secretary-General Xu Liming personally held a press conference today and announced the new spokespersons Lin Chuyin and Zhuo Guanting. Lin Chuyin was originally from the media, and in the past, in the nine-in-one election campaign, she assisted Chen Shizhong, the former Minister of Health and Welfare, and Lin Jialong, the Secretary-General of the Presidential Office, to run for the mayor of Taipei and New Taipei respectively, so she is quite familiar with the issues.

In addition, Zhuo Guanting once served as the director of the Taichung City News Bureau, and he is currently the secretary-general of the New Taipei City Council Caucus of the Democratic Progressive Party, and he often criticizes current events, which is expected to strengthen the discussion.

Xu Liming said that Lin Chuyin’s combat power is strong in the second constituency, and the Legislative Yuan’s familiarity with the Congress and the central government’s governance is excellent; He is very familiar with the media industry, culture, education, and transportation.

In conclusion, the Democratic Progressive Party’s announcement of two new spokespeople for the upcoming presidential election is a significant move towards strengthening their speech system. With Lin Chuyin’s media background and Zhuo Guanting’s experience in current events, they are well-equipped to handle the challenges of the campaign. It will be interesting to see how they will contribute to the party’s efforts and influence the voters in the years to come. We will continue to follow this story and provide updates as it develops.



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