Warsaw: Chmielna will turn green | zyciewarszawy.pl

Mateusz Pawlak
22-03-2023, last update 22-03-2023 12:16

Almost a hundred trees, numerous flower beds with shrubs and perennials and several dozen benches – this is how ul. Chmielna.

source: Bloomberg

Warsaw is preparing an announcement of a tender for the renovation of today’s degraded promenade, which, thanks to a thorough modernization, will become a place for meetings, walks and relaxation.

– Chmielna, which 20-30 years ago was a showcase of the capital, where the most expensive commercial and service premises were located, is currently perceived as a degraded and unattractive place, and the renovation of the street, which transformed it into a pedestrian space, carried out in the 1990s, has not survived the test of time – says Michał Olszewski. – Restoring the splendor of shopping streets must start with changing the public space. One of the elements of the new idea for Chmielna was urban greenery, which will change the appearance of the street and improve its attractiveness – adds the Deputy Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw. of Warsaw.

Therefore, the Public Areas Authority of the Capital City of Warszawa prepared a project to modernize the street, which was approved by the Mazowieckie Voivodship Conservator of Monuments. Thanks to the agreement reached, Chmielna will gain – in just a dozen or so months – a new look and function of a green promenade planted with trees and bushes and equipped with benches.

– In the past years, there was a theory that greenery and monuments are mutually exclusive, they are enemies to each other. It was a mistake. Today, the introduction of trees and shrubs into historic complexes is obvious. This is what we do in Mazovia, and it will also be the case on Chmielna Street, which – following years of destruction – requires greenery, which is a setting for monuments – says prof. Jakub Lewicki, Mazowiecki Voivodship Conservator of Monuments.

Environmentally friendly

The Chmielna modernization project assumes i.a. replacement of the street surface – concrete cubes will be replaced by granite slabs, but the existing foundation will be used. Elements of small architecture will be renovated: walls, pots with greenery, benches (at the Atlantic cinema and Bukinista Square) and fence posts. In total, there will be 64 pieces of various types of “furnishings” on Chmielna Street – city chairs, benches and large benches. A small fountain will be built in the square next to the Atlantic Cinema.

– We will introduce – almost absent at the moment – greenery. There will be rows of trees supplemented with shrubs along the street. We have planned to plant 95 trees on Chmielna and, additionally, 38 on Bracka. And also 9.5 thousand. shrubs and 8.5 thousand. perennials. The location of the trees has been selected so as not to obscure the essential elements of the facades of the buildings and to enable the functioning of the gastronomic gardens. We will take into account climate change in the context of retention of urban greenery – trees and shrubs on Chmielna will absorb rainwater – says Renata Niewitecka, chairwoman of the Environmental Protection Committee of the City of Warsaw.

Improvement of quality and greenery will also cover the areas of squares adjacent to the street.

For pedestrians and cyclists

The lighting on Chmielna Street will be renovated – old lanterns will be replaced with new LED ones. Cyclists will also benefit – all geometric solutions throughout the study area will take into account solutions for bicycle traffic. The issue of parking and entry on Chmielna will be regulated, which affects the negative perception of this space. This mainly concerns the traffic of vans and cars currently blocking the connection with the Wiecha Passage.

– All changes at Chmielna are part of the design of the New Center of Warsaw, one of the elements of which is the nearby and modernized last year, the so-called Five Horns Square – adds Olszewski.




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