A digital platform offers seminars, courses and diplomas in cultural management

“Formar Cultura”, a digital platform for free training in cultural practices, is a proposal offered by the Ministry of Culture of the Nation, so that anyone with a device and the Internet can access different content and tools such as classes, seminars , self-guided courses and interviews on cultural management.

The initiative, in which more than 50,000 people already participate, in addition to a permanent offer with certification from national universities, offers a repository of digital books and a network of cultural makers and makers from all over Latin America, the Ministry reported.

With a media library that offers classes, seminars, specific materials and specialized publications in the cultural field, the different topics are identified through tags that facilitate the search, such as: public cultural management, cultural policies, digital communication, organizational strategies, gender diversity. , public management, project development, community culture, among many others.

«These are free training proposals, virtual and both regional and federal in scope, to specialize in topics such as Assembly of Exhibition Spaces; Multimedia Systems for the Scene; Management of LGBTI+ Cultural Projects; Artistic Development of Video Games; Sovereignty and cultural policies in Latin America; Management of cultural projects with a territorial and community perspective; Culture, Tourism and Territorial Management, among others,” they specified from the Ministry.

People who want to access this platform can do so through formar.cultura.gob.ar

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