The UNMDP will have its first Medicine graduates next Saturday

The Higher School of Medicine (ESM) of the UNMDP will experience one of the most important moments in its history on Saturday, March 25, when the 89 students who are in the sixth year of the degree take the final exam to graduate.

“We are experiencing one of the great moments as it was opening the school. Now it is time to close this cycle and receive the first litter. We are very excited, very happy to be able to achieve an objective that is to complete a complete cycle of the school ”, he tells bacap Adrián Alasino, director of the ESM.

There are 89 students from the first class that entered the house of studies in 2017 and that, following just over six years, will take the OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) this Saturday. This evaluative instance comprises 24 sequential and structured stations and each student must go through all of them.

The OSCE lasts between two and a half and three hours. At each station, the students will meet a simulator, a clinical case or an actor playing the patient and they have five minutes to make a resolution proposal. The stations include various areas such as clinical medicine, surgery, oncology and pediatrics.

“It’s the first time we’ve done it. We have prepared. Teachers have taken courses and training. It is a double debut, student and teacher. We have had international advice, because this exam is taken all over the world. In our case, we have worked with universities in Mexico and within Argentina with the Universidad del Nordeste, in Corrientes. Three teachers come from there and they have been our guides because they have a lot of experience in OSCE”, says the director.

In this way, the ESM had international and national support to prepare this exam, in which there will be teachers who will participate in it for the first time and there will be 40 tutor teachers who make up the different stations.

Adrián Alasino, director of the UNMDP Higher School of Medicine.

I am tremendously proud to be a part of this. For me it is the most important thing I have experienced in the last eight years“Alasino confesses.

The exam will take place throughout Saturday March 25 in the outpatient clinics of the Hospital Privado de Comunidad (HPC). Then, the students will go to the ESM headquarters, located at Ayacucho 3537, to receive the notes and share that moment with their families.

The students want to celebrate here, at school, because they feel that it is their home”, recognizes the director of the institution.

It should be noted that the ESM requested the Municipality to block Ayacucho Street, between September 11 and Spain, so that relatives and friends of students from Mar del Plata and other parts of the country can experience this historic day for the educational community.

Principal photo: Facebook ESM.



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