Letter to German TV channel ARD: bullshit before eight o’clock – and what’s next

Letter to the German TV channel ARD : bullshit before eight o’clock – and following

Willi the farmer*

Willi reacted to a 2:49 minute mini-show, “ knowledge before eight (knowing it before eight o’clock), hence its title. It’s also regarding a rapper and the Rapsin other words rapeseed.

Cher Tom Buhrow,

Does any moron have the right to give his unqualified opinion on anything to theARD ? Yes, he has the right! Otherwise, how to explain that a rapper can appear in front of the camera to say how bad rapeseed is for nature?

Knowledge before eight – nature: meadows and pastures in danger | ARD media library

He also asserts that rapeseed is a monoculture (a monoculture is a crop that is repeated on the same field, which would be fatal to rapeseed) and says he would like to have more meadows and pastures. However, meadows and pastures can only be used by animals and we all need to eat less meat “… And so ?

Has Thomas D ever heard that beekeepers like rapeseed because it produces a lot of honey? Does Thomas D know what a crop rotation is? Does Thomas D wonder what a farmer should live on?

This is not the first time that half-truths or untruths have been aired on agricultural subjects in ” knowledge before eight “. Eckhard von Hirschhausen is also a past master in this field. See below.

I would like to make a suggestion to you: ask a farmer in future before such a program is broadcast. Here is my email address: willi@bauerwilli.com


ARD : Ignorance before eight o’clock

There was a time when I found Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen really likeable and his shows useful. These few minutes of knowledge before eight make me doubt not only the person, but also the chain. Yes, I am almost desperate, so many untruths are accumulating there.

Video: Ecological (water) backpack – knowledge before eight – earth – ARD | The first

And here once more are the 15,000 liters of water ” consumed to produce one kilo of beef. However, we have already explained it so often: water is not ” consumed and the figure of 15,000 is simply wrong.

And here once more we should all eat less meat “. This brainwashing of public channels is starting to annoy me. Who will write to the audiovisual council?



And here is once once more the 15,000 liters of water for 1 kg of water consumed: Water consumption: filling a swimming pool with 10 kilos of cheese… – Agriculture, food, public health… let’s be rational (over- blog.com)

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Response fromARD to the criticisms appearing in Bullshit before eight (bullshit before eight o’clock)

Cher Monsieur Dr Kremer-Schillings [c’est traduit mot à mot, ça me fait toujours sourire],

thank you very much for your feedback – we take criticism very seriously. Below is mainly Thomas D’s quote on the show ” Knowledge before eight – nature “, broadcast on February 28: “ Unfortunately, this is not only beautiful, because there are now too many of these monocultures in Germany, such as corn or rapeseed. »

We checked the facts once more:

Indeed, we use the term in a colloquial sense. According to the purely scientific definition published by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, it actually looks like this: According to this definition, plants such as rapeseed are not monocultures, because they can only be grown in rotation , otherwise the pest pressure is too great. There are only a few true monocultures in Germany.

Source : https://www.quarks.de/umwelt/landwirtschaft/darum-schaden-uns-monokulturen/

Our intention was not to present agriculture as the “ bad “. Our plea in favor of field borders and wild meadows is not false, even if the term ” monoculture is used in common parlance.

In fact, grasslands are among the most species-rich biotopes in Central Europe, with 52 percent of species occurring in Germany. Quote from the Federal Office for the Environment: “ The more intensively agricultural soils are used, the lower the number of species and the presence of soil organisms. »


We don’t want this show to be seen as a bashing of agriculture, but as a constructive proposal for a functional coexistence between agriculture and the protection of nature. It is not a question of completely replacing agricultural areas with wild meadows, but of supplementing them where possible.

However, we will take advantage of your justified criticism to argue more clearly and precisely in the future, in order to avoid this misunderstanding.

Despite all the criticism, we’re glad the show has such attentive viewers. And: stay of course!

Yours sincerely

” The team of knowledge before eight »

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The answer to the answer

Dear Mrs Möltgen,

Thank you very much for your reply and your quick reaction. You have already noticed how your show has been received, because otherwise you would not have used the terms of ” bad ” and of “ agribashing ».

I have taken part in multi-day workshops several times with the Federal Office for Nature Conservation and I know what constructive collaboration looks like. Nor is it the erroneous term monoculture that concerns me. What concerns me is that the chains ARD et ZDF continue to spread half-truths and lies regarding conventional agriculture. Quarks is also on the front line.

In the meantime, I have written two books. This one came out in January:


All the ” big words that we use regarding agriculture are explained objectively.

What if Willi the farmer also had the opportunity to show off his knowledge before eight o’clock? I am certainly not a rapper, but only a doctor of agricultural sciences. But maybe I’m also overqualified. Besides, I look a bit like Peter Lustig [présentateur de télévision, doubleur et auteur de livres pour enfants]…

Pending a positive response, please accept, dear Madam, my best regards.

Dr. Willi Kremer-Schillings


* Sources : Letter to the ARD – nonsense before eight 28.02.2023 – farmer Willi

ARD’s response to my comment on “Idiot in front of eight” – Bauer Willi

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