60-year-old couple present true love for kidney transplantation to celebrate Chongsheng | Taiwan Good News TaiwanHot

A sixtieth couple surnamed Song, because his wife suffers from chronic hypertension and diabetes, leading to kidney failure,Had to accept long-term hemodialysis treatment. When I was young, my wife accompanied my husband to work hard,Taking care of the housework and supporting my husband’s interests, I accompanied my husband to sign up for marathons across Taiwan,The husband and wife sing and the wife is deeply in love with each other. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Song suffered from kidney failure.I need kidney dialysis three times a week, and I don’t have the energy to do what I want to do.Seeing his wife suffering from illness, Mr. Song felt helpless and distressed. After discussing with family members,He decided to donate his kidney to help his wife get out of the plight of the disease.Director Wu Yiru of the Kidney Transplant Center of Dali Ren’ai Hospital accepted the request,Immediately after arranging for evaluation and discussion with the medical team of all relevant departments in the hospital,It was decided to perform surgery with minimally invasive surgery. It is rare for a husband to donate a kidney, and most of them are donated by his children.

On Valentine’s Day, February 14th,Director Wu Yiru, who has completed hundreds of kidney transplants in the Chang Gung system, leads all benevolent doctorsThe medical team removed the right kidney of a 69-year-old man through minimally invasive surgery.And transplanted to his 65-year-old wife. The surgery went quite smoothly and successfully.The Song couple went through the postoperative recovery period and are in a stable condition now.On the 22nd, Dali Ren’ai Hospital specially held the “Kidney Benefit Life Celebration Party”,Blessed by the transplant and care team together, congratulations to my wife on her new life.

President Lan Guozhong also presented a beautiful and brilliant bouquet, implying that life is as gorgeous as summer flowers,I wish Mrs. Song a more fulfilling and wonderful life, and cut the cake together. Congratulations to them for their rebirth.Write a new happy life again. Mr. is happy to fulfill his wish,His wife also successfully got rid of long-term hemodialysis treatment, allowing her to regain her health,Return to normal life.

Dr. Wu Yiru said that the Song couple’s kidney donation is a touching story.Their love and dedication to each other is worthy of everyone’s deep thinking and moving. He also reminded,Hypertension and diabetes are two very common chronic diseases, if not controlled for a long time,It can easily lead to impaired kidney function and even kidney failure.

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Therefore, you should pay attention to diet and living habits, control blood sugar and blood pressure,Only in this way can kidney disease be effectively prevented. First of all, pay attention to diet control,Try to reduce the intake of high-sugar, high-fat, high-salt and other foods that are harmful to the body, increase vegetables,Nutritious food intake such as fruits, whole grains, beans, etc. Second, exercise in moderation.Aerobic exercise can effectively improve the body’s metabolic capacity, enhance cardiopulmonary function,Lower blood pressure and blood sugar. Also, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake are crucial.

Lan Guozhong, President of Dali Ren’ai Hospital, said,There is a touching story behind this kidney transplant operation.In medicine, it is perfect with the efforts of Dr. Wu Yiru and all colleagues.It is highly indicative for Dali Ren’ai Hospital. Dean Guo Zhenhua said,This transplant operation demonstrated the professional care and humanistic care of the medical team.It is also a touching testimony of the couple’s deep love and mutual support.

The care and support among family members is also an important factor. With mutual care and love,It can make patients more confident and courageous to face the disease, and it is easier to restore health. “The meaning of life lies in the creation of life that continues in the universe”,Dali Ren’ai Hospital Kidney Transplant Center will strive to promote the atmosphere of organ transplantation,Demonstrate the spirit of passing on life from generation to generation, and strive to pursue a society that truly cares about us,Fulfill the natural responsibility of medical professionals to treat illnesses as if they were their own.

Mr. and Mrs. Song.Photo by Lin Chongying

Mr. and Mrs. Song.Photo by Lin Chongying

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