the arrival of Marcia crosse disrupted by demonstrators against the pension reform

Sylvain Lefevre / Getty Images LILLE, FRANCE – MARCH 21: Marcia Cross speaks at the “Master Class of Marcia Cross” during the Series Mania Festival – day five on March 21, 2023 in Lille, France. (Photo by Sylvain Lefevre/Getty Images)

Sylvain Lefevre / Getty Images

Series Mania: the arrival of Marcia crosse disrupted by demonstrators against the pension reform

RETIREMENTS – Marcia Cross will probably not have good memories of her coming to France. During the Series Mania festival in Lille, where she was invited to give a masterclass in front of 1,400 people, demonstrators against the pension reform were invited and the situation degenerated, this Tuesday evening, March 21.

The actress, who played Bree Van de Kamp in Desperate Housewives, had to interrupt her passage on the red carpet and be exfiltrated as the tension rose when the CRS arrived at the festival. The demonstrators shouted anti-Macron slogans in particular. According to BFM Grand Lille, jets of glass objects were observed.

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As can be seen in videos posted on social networks, the CRS set out to push back the demonstrators. Security barriers were knocked down and a young woman was injured in the face and taken care of by firefighters, AFP noted.

Around 10:00 p.m., calm had returned, according to a police source interviewed, who did not immediately report any arrests or major damage.

Cat and mouse games in Lille

According to AFP, these demonstrators came from a mobilization which took place further in Lille. Gathered from 6:00 p.m., around 900 demonstrators – according to the prefecture – first marched between Place de la République and the Wazemmes district, south of the city, before being blocked by the police and forced to return to their starting point, noted an AFP journalist.

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“Strikes, blockages, wild demonstrations! », chanted the demonstrators, mostly students and high school students, accompanied in particular by trade unionists from the CGT and the South. The procession dispersed peacefully around 8:00 p.m.

About 250 people, “especially young people” then have “crisscrossed the city center, going right and left”, a police source told AFP. “ This is the first night where groups are playing cat and mouse in town, trying to confuse the forces of order.continued this source.

These demonstrators overturned and set fire to a few garbage cans near the Grand Place, or used projectiles against the police, such as cans or cobblestones, she said, reporting “two slightly injured” among law enforcement.

See also on Le HuffPost :

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