Shores of Null – The Loss of Beauty – Album Review

Shores of Null – The Loss of Beauty
Origin: Italy
Release: 24.03.2023
Label: Spikerot Records
Length of time: 48:40
Genre: Melancholic Metal / Doom Metal / Melodic Death/Black Metal

Photo Credit: Sabrina Caramanico

Founded in 2013 Shores of Null from Rome are releasing their fourth album this month The Loss Of Beautyon which they serve us poignant melancholic metal that all fans of Amorphis, Insomnium or Paradise Lost which should bring tears of joy to your eyes.

It is interesting here that the album will already be released in 2020 together with its predecessor Beyond The Shores (On Death And Dying) was included, but which was then preferred because it suited the current situation better in the year of the pandemic, but this in no way reduces the quality of the current output.
The record was produced by Marco Cinghio Mastrobuonoamong other things Hour Of Penance, Fleshgod Apocalypseand perform as a guest musician Mikko Kotamäki, among others Swallow The Sun, Thomas A.G. Jensen, Saturnusand Elizabeth Marchetti, among other things Inno their contribution.

What convinces next to the great guitar melodies and the change between aggressive and clear vocals is the transparent, warm production of the album. Each instrument can be clearly heard and yet the sound doesn’t sound too modern or clinical, but rather pleasantly analogue and soulful, matching the melancholy of the songs.

Greetings from Finland… from Rome

You can tell the Italians do that Amorphis have a great impact on them and Davide Straccione’s excellent vocal performance in both clean and growl vocals needs one behind the class Tomi Joutsen not to hide. Despite the parallels to the Finnish cult band Shores of Null enough originality not to seem like an unimaginative knockoff.

The wonderful guitar melodies create goosebumps for the whole body, the rhythm fraction drives the individual songs energetically forward, the growls are powerful, powerful and sublime, while the carried, clear vocal lines make your thoughts wallow.

To get an impression of the quality of this excellent band, I can only recommend watching the videos The Last Flower HERE and to Destination Woe HERE to check out!

Diversity and pleasant basic hardness

Shores of Null skilfully mix doomy passages with elegiac melodies and driving fast parts, so that it doesn’t get boring over the entire length of the album.
The Romans also convincingly place blast beat passages that are almost reminiscent of Black Metal on the album, the proportion of harsh vocals is pleasantly high, so the album never drifts into too soft or poppy areas, despite the catchiness of the clean vocal lines.

Especially the aggressive singing has an astonishing variety of facets to offer: there is growling from the deepest throats, but also nasty nagging from time to time, so that Black Metal fans also get their money’s worth. Analyzing individual songs on this consistently strong album is unnecessary due to the enormous quality, because everything sounds as if it were made from one piece, but the entire work is just bursting with joy of playing, emotion and variety.

Shores of Null have for me The Loss of Beauty released a hot contender for my album of the year, which I can only warmly recommend to every fan of melancholic metal with doom, gothic, melodic death and black metal influences! I give this masterpiece the highest grade! 10 / 10

Line Up
Davide Straccione – Gesang
Gabriele Giaccari – Guitars
Raffaele Colace – guitar
Matteo Capozucca – Bass
Emiliano Cantiano – drums

01. Transitory
02. Destination Woe
03. The Last Flower
04. Darkness Won’t Take Me
05. Nothing Left To Burn
06. Old Scars
07. The First Son
08. A Nature In Disguise
09. My Darkest Years
10. Fading As One
11. A New Death Is Born
Bonus tracks (CD and digital only)
12. Underwater Oddity
13. Blazing Sunlight

Shores of Null website
Facebook Shores of Null

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