the urgency is also to involve the States of Africa, underlines a scientist from the IPCC

Not all African countries had sent a delegate to Interlaken to approve the IPCC summary, but according to one of its authors, the Beninese scientist Edmond Totin, the awareness of African governments is progressing and the urgency is also there.

« Delegates from African countries were in the room and having the chance to have this report approved by the governments of our countries is the first step in raising awareness. “, he points out.

Saudi Arabia, China and India wanted to oppose the mention of the expression “financial flows” in the synthesis, in vain. On arrival, the essential is written, according to Edmond Totin: the need for financial support for vulnerable countries.

« The document recognized the urgency of much more fluid financial mechanisms, much more accessible to countries to quickly respond to shocks added Edmond Totin.

Finally, the report insists on the human dimension of climate change. How to deal with it by better involving local African communities would be, according to the Beninese scientist, a promising line of research.

Read also: Climate: what can Africa expect from the new IPCC report?



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