Mixing water with lemon is full of health benefits. She is able to provide a good dose of vitamin C and helps regulate blood and intestinal pH. It also collaborates in the digestive process and strengthening immunity.
Nutritionist Nara Oliveira, from Brasília, explains that lemon water is a powerful antioxidant. “The fruit is a source of vitamin C, excellent for fighting free radicals, which cause cell aging”, she points out.
The drink can be consumed daily, but the ideal is that the use is guided by a health professional. “The amount limit will depend on the patient’s diet. However, the juice of one lemon mixed with 300 ml of water is not harmful and already brings the desired benefits, ”he says.
According to Nara, it is not necessary to limit the consumption of water with lemon only in the morning. The liquid can be taken 30 minutes before any meals. “The citric acid present in lemon will increase the secretion of gastric acids, facilitating digestion”, he says.
The nutritionist clarifies, however, that water with lemon does not promote weight loss. Nara reinforces that no food should be promoted to the status of “miraculous” for weight loss.
“Weight loss is a consequence of a food plan capable of promoting a caloric deficit. That is, to lose weight it is necessary to spend more calories than to consume them, ”he says.
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