They identified the man who died suffocated by a waste truck in Bariloche

Esteban Andrés Barrios died this Monday before dawn in Bariloche. The 34-year-old man, and a native of Rosario, He was possibly sleeping inside a waste container, which was located in the center of this city. He tried to seek refuge to spend a cold early morning in that warehouse, where death surprised him.

Everything indicates that the victim did not hear the noise of the compactor truck that made the usual maneuver and suffocated him to death.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office reported last night that they had intervened following 6, following they were alerted that a man had died in a waste container from the Municipality of Bariloche.

They indicated that the tragedy occurred on Moreno almost Quaglia street, where the container was located. They said that eThe driver of the compactor truck alerted to the dramatic event immediately.

They assured that following they became aware of the accident, prosecutors went to the place to coordinate the first steps of the preliminary investigation. The container was removed around 8:30.

In the statement they explained that following various maneuvers it was possible to extract the body of the truck at the municipal landfill. That job took several hours. They also reported the identity of the victim.

The corpse was transferred to the judicial morgue for the corresponding autopsy. While criminalistics personnel from the Río Negro Police collected evidence for the investigation. Also, police from the Judicial Investigations Brigade interviewed people who had relevant information regarding the tragedy.

They rule out evidence of crime

The prosecutor of the Gerardo Miranda case, with the prosecution team, worked in the followingnoon in the analysis of the filming of different cameras of the security system that the city has, to establish the circumstances in which Barrios entered the container and the last movements he made in the downtown area of ​​Bariloche. They stated that for now there is no criminal hypothesis surrounding the tragedy.

The prosecutor’s office reported that professionals from the Forensic Medical Corps did the autopsy yesterday, whose preliminary report indicates that the man died of suffocation.

They said that once the victim was identified, they contacted his relatives to tell them what had happened and coordinate the delivery of the body when they arrive in this city in the next few hours.

It is the second tragedy that occurs in a municipal waste container. The first happened at dawn on December 29, 2020, when Daniel Cartez Jara was suffocated by the compactor truck, while I was sleeping in that plastic container. She was also 34 years old and had arrived in Bariloche a few days before, looking for an opportunity.

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